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🍂 ♪ so i'm coming home to you,
you're all i need,

the very air i breathe,
home. ♪


yujin hums the tune played the radio. hands on the steering wheel, smoothly steering to every curves she passes. head slightly nodding to every beat as she jams with the music.

she stepped on the breaks, her car halted infront of a store, how nostalgic.

that place is where they most spent their time with each other's presence, filled with fun memories.

yujin watched the older as she struggles in reaching a pack of noodles.

"well? aren't you going to help me here?" the older continued to jump, trying to reach abd grab the pack but still— her pinkies barely even touched the net like bag where the several packs of noodles where placed in.

"no" yujin chimed while skipping to the older, raising her hands as she grabbed two packs of their favorite noodles for the both of them anyway.

handing it to the person in the store's counter, to get them cooked.

"yujin, look i know you love me" acting cute to the younger, the older teased while tailing yujin, walking towards their 'reserved table' that were guarded by their bags.

"i pretend i do not hear" the younger replied, pulling out her seat and sat, the older did the same.

the girls spent their time chitchatting; yujin complaining on how her schoolmate was being a bitch and asking how each other's day went.

the talk was momentarily cut off by the sight of a woman coming towards their table, carrying a tray that contained their favorite hot & steamy noodles. the girls' eyes lit up.

the woman placed the orders on their table and soon went back to entertaining other costumers present.

the girls dived in, devouring.

it was 5 in the afternoon. with just cheap noodles their student asses can afford and each other's presence.

they were contented.

makes it the favorite part of their day, everyday.

yujin smiled as she recalls. she slumped her body on the seat of her parked car, grabbing her phone to text a certain person that's causing her to wait for the past 27 minutes.

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