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Addisons POV:

I walk into my first period as soon as the bell rings. I sit at my usual desk next to charli, my best friend, and dixie, her older sister. She's always calling me names and picking on me for no reason.

"Hey slut, did you have a nice night with bryce?" Dixie whispers to me, smirking to herself.

"For the millionth time I don't like him, and i'm not a slut."

She laughs and rolls her eyes.

*time skip to end of the period*

I get up and start walking to the door and I hear a whistle behind me.

it's bryce, he's staring at my ass and smirking, lifting his eyes to meet mine.

"Ugh you're disgusting." I roll my eyes.

On his way out he smacks my ass and I stick out my foot and he trips falling face first onto the ground.

No one seems to really care except for charli and avani who start to laugh.

Then I hear a laugh behind me I turn around to see dixie smiling, she notices me staring and immediately flips me off and walks past me.

"whore" she says.

Her words didn't hurt anymore, but I hate when she talks about me and bryce. I hate him so much and she knows that.

*Third period*

As soon as I walk into class I want to run out as quickly as possible.

The tables were pushed together which meant group work and my group consisted of Griffin, Ondreaz, Bryce, and Dixie.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her.

I sit down at my usaul desk and she sits next to me shortly after.

"Oh I wouldn't think you would be here." Dixie says feigning surprise.


"oh nothing, just thought you'd be busy sleeping with bryce, I mean after those looks you too gave each other..."

I stand up, my chair screeched back causing everyone to face me.

"STOP SAYING SHIT LIKE THAT ITS NOT FUNNY." I yell at her, She stares back smirking, knowing she won.

The whole class didn't glance in our direction once or even flinch.

This didn't happen often, but when it did everyone knew that staring was not a good idea...

Griffin leans towards dixie trying to smile seductively.
"You're so hot when your mean."

She doesn't even acknowledge him.

"Dixie? Diiiiixiee? Dix? Dixie baby-" Griffin says trying to get her attention.

"Dude stfu she doesn't like you obviously so chill tf out." Dixie nods at Ondreaz and he nods and smiles back. Ondreaz is super kind, even dixie can't bring herself to be mean to him.

"Hey adds can we talk?" Bryce asks.

"Ew don't fucking call her that."
Dixie blurts out. Quickly adding...

"Save that for the bedroom."
She laughs nervously and continues playing on her phone.

i respond following him to the back corner of the class.

"what the hell do you want bryce?"

he pins me against the wall and goes to kiss me which i dodge. I try to break free but his grip is too tight.

Dixison - One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن