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A month had passed and Santana had now settled into Rachel's house. Her dads returned for a few days before leaving again, but they were more then happy to have Santana living with them so that they know that Rachel wouldn't be lonely.

They treated santana like a daughter, they even got her a new credit card set up after her dad refused to give her any money. Rachel and Santana were now known for throwing the best party's in school and the band had returned to sitting together, everything was going great.

Finns PoV:
We are all sat in the choir room preparing for regionals. Quinn is giving a speech on how she deserves the solo and I'm pretty sure no ones listening.

"Guys, maybe instead of a solo we could do a duet" Rachel suggested.

"I agree, Rachel and Santana have some of the best musical chemistry and I think they'd be our best bet." I agreed.

"Yeah not to mention to hot dance routines that they-". Sam started but I cast him a dirty look and he stopped.

"I'm in if you are berry" Santana smirked. "Hold on a minute, me and Finn also have great musical chemistry, you could clearly see that when we did our duet" Quinn glared.

"How about we hold a competition, the winner will get the duet and choose the group number" Mr schuester suggested. He always tries to turn every argument into a lesson. "And to make it even more interesting, you can only perform mash ups".

Santana's PoV:
"Okay, Berry you're with me and we are going to win this thing" I said flipping my hair.

"The sign up sheet will be passed around now, I want everyone to sing" mr Schue said whilst handing around a piece of paper.

Regionals duet sign up sheet

Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry ⭐️
Finn Hudson and Noah puckerman
Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel
Mike Chang and Tina Cohen Chang
Sam Evans and Quinn fabray
Mercedes Jones and artie abrams
Brittany s pierce and Lauren Zizes

"Ok guys, you will perform your mashups in the order of your names on the list" mr Schue smiled. "Rachel and Santana and puck and Finn will start tomorrow".

Santana's PoV:
"Ok berry, I have the perfect idea" and I grabbed her hand and ran into the auditorium.

"We should do a mashup of Americano and dance again, it's got Spanish lyrics too and I have the perfect routine" she squealed and jumped up and down. "Let's get started".

Finns PoV:
It's pretty obvious that we won't beat Santana and Rachel. As soon as glee ended they ran to the auditorium so mr Schue said me and puck can use the choir room.

"Well if we're going to loose, we might as well have fun" he shrugged. "What do you suggest?". I smiled and told him.

Glee club: next day

Rachel's PoV:
Santana and I have gone all out for this including costumes. Our hair is like it usually is, down with loose curls.

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