OC Bio part 1

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Name: Nicolette Hyoudou

Nickname: Nico

Age: 19

gender: Female/Futanari

Species Human

Height: 5'9ft

Body type: Slightly thin, but built

Cock size: 24inches

Chest size: MD

Butt size: Plump and round

Back hair length: Reaches all the way to her waist

Hair style: Bangs covering her right eye

Hair color: Blonde

Tips color: Light blue

Skin tone: White, slightly pale

Eye color: Aqua blue

Lip color: Slightly pink

Scars: Two small cuts in a X pattern on her left cheek, one big slash on her back and stomach

Ability: The Gamer

information: Nicolette is Issei's adopted older sister. Despite her dislike of perverts, Nicolette is surprisingly caring towards her little brother.

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