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In the blink of an eye 2 months had gone. Rayne hadn't been at school for a total of 9 weeks; she spent a lot of her time off relaxing and enjoying the limited time she had with her Papa and Dad before she started college and her baby brother's arrival.

But time was quickly running out. With just 2 weeks until she began her college journey and 3 months until the new baby was born, she had to start preparing herself.

And fast.

"In here Papa." She was sitting in the dining room finishing off her college enrolment paperwork.

Roland walked in with one hand on his back and the other on his bump. "I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with Dad and I today."

"Sure. What do we need to go shopping for though?" She placed her pen down.

"Well... I figured you're gunna need some things for college soon. And I want to start shopping for the baby."

"Already? How many weeks are you now Papa?"

"25... but I think it's better to start early. I learnt that the hard way when I was pregnant with you." He giggled, thinking back to how far into his pregnancy he was when they began shopping for her.

"If you say so!" Rayne giggled back. "I'll just finish this sentence I'm writing and then I'll get ready."

"Okay; I'll be upstairs so just holler if you need anything." He nodded before leaving the room.
Upstairs, Roland stood at the full length mirror attempting to get himself dressed for the day. He was now one week over 6 months pregnant and getting dressed was becoming more and more of a struggle with every coming week.

Out of breath from simply finding something to wear, he pulled the elastic waistband of his ever-reliable pregnancy jeans over his ever-growing baby bump and threw a black v-neck over them too.

After getting himself together he continued to stand at the mirror looking at himself. He put his hands on his belly and sighed.

"40 years old and 6 months pregnant... Who would've thought?" He chuckled to himself before beginning to head downstairs again.
"You look nice today love." Curt greeted him and went in for a kiss, which Roland gladly gave to him.

"I certainly don't feel or really look it... but thank you." Roland replied doubtfully.

"What are you talking about? You look amazing, especially when you're growing a tiny human." Curt put his hand on Roland's belly and started rubbing it in small circular motions.

Roland scoffed. "You find this big ole belly attractive? You must be out of your mind."

"I'm your husband Ro, which means I automatically find everything about you attractive." He giggled, leaning in close to kiss him once more.

"Let's go shopping, shall we?!" Rayne called from behind them, trying to stop the moment.

They always get so lovey dovey with each other.
But I love it really...

"Oh, yes, right. Shopping."  Roland finally remembered. "I made a list of the things I want to get." He took out a piece of paper from his elastic waistband.

"Papa you do know you have pockets right?" Rayne laughed after seeing her Papa's hack.

"Yeah, but it's more fun this way." He winked back, showing the piece of paper to Curt.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Curt's eyes widened to the point of them almost bursting from their sockets. "All that? We're expecting one baby, not quadruplets!"

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