Ch.4 Milkshakes and Fries

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KJ is here to say, I love you and you are amazing, and I hope you smiled today! Anyway, I am sorry if this chapter sucks I had little to no ideas haha, just mainly centered around happiness and milkshakes and fries soooooooooooooooooooooo yeah.

Anyway proofreading? What's thaaaat don't know.

"How was detention?" Charlotte asked as Caspian and Darion made there way over to the group who was waiting patiently under the old oak on the front lawn

"Lovely, ten out of ten would soooo recommend" Caspian remarks as the others stand up, Charlotte rolls her eyes but chuckles and follows her friend, use to the sarcasm by now

"I don't think I can survive a week with D'ambro, like she always has a stick up her ass!!" Darion groans

"Her ass isn't even real; I think she gets new implants every year" Caspian says with a slight smirk causing her friends to burst into laughter as they climb into her car

"I am only saying! Her ass is fake, one thumb tack and POP she flat" The girls just laugh harder as Caspian starts her car and started driving to their favorite place to get their milkshake and fries

"Caspian I am going to diiieeeeee" Darion laughs as she leans against Charlotte who was trying to calm her laughter, the younger two where practically dying in the backseat

"Why thank you, I quite enjoy making fun of our favorite teacher!" Caspian says in a mickey mouse impression sending them all back into laughter as they pull up to the old building

"I am crying" Calypso mumbles catching her breath as she wipes her tears away, the others nodding as Caspian just chuckles, making her friends laugh was all she cared about

"Alright losers we are here let's get some food!" Caspian cheers the others quickly climbing from the car and making there way into the building, the smell of food instantly fills their noses as the warm air removes the chills from the cold outdoors as they go to their usual table

"So, are we going to order actual food too?" Charlotte asked pointing out the time, it would be a early dinner but, considering the girls families it would be rare if they even got dinner tonight

"Lets get dinner" The oldest 4 had a job, the oldest 2 actually worked in the small place they were at but today was both of there days off, Charlotte babysat her neighbors kids on weekends and Calypso walked the neighborhood dogs, each girl made money so they always had ways to get food, and would by things for there younger friends who weren't able to get money at the time

"I'll pay for Anastasia and Finley" Caspian says as they look at the menus, to an outside source you wouldn't see the demons the girls fight, you wouldn't take them for stone cold assholes who were feared at there school. You would think they where just a normal group of friends having a girls day out, they laughed and enjoyed there day, it was something they rarely got

"Alright my name is Rylie, I will be your waitress for today are we all ready to order?" A girl came over, she was around 5'4 had short black hair and was in a work uniform. Caspian and Darion exchanged looks they never seen her here before, must be new. Caspian scanned her over, before looking at the menu a small smirk on her face

"Hi, can we get 6 milkshakes" Each girl giving their preferred flavor and then ordering their meals, of course including there fries for said milkshakes the whole time she kept looking over at Caspian giving her a small smile as the girls placed there orders

"Is that all?" Rylie asked and the girls nodded

"Yup thank you" Caspian said giving the girl a wink as she walked off, Darion hit her shoulder causing the girl to just laugh

"You are such a flirt god" Darion tells her and Caspian shrugs

"Is she new, we come here a lot and never seen her" Anastasia asked curiously

"I never seen her either, she doesn't even look much older than us... but never seen her at school either" Darion tells them honestly

"New girl in town" Calypso suggests, often times there are random new people who move in

"Most likely" Charlotte said grabbing the menu from Calypso's hand who was scanning the desert section

"Hey!" Calypso reached to grab the menu, but Charlotte just held it away from her as Calypso struggled to reach it, with a huff she crossed her arms 

"No fair! You're a freaking giraffe!!!" Calypso groaned giving up slinking in her spot

"You haven't even eaten yet stop looking at the damn desert section" Charlotte says with a laugh putting the menu in the holder

"Are you doubting my ability to eat desert?" Calypso says putting a hand to her chest giving her friend a fake hurt look

"Oh hush" the others laugh at the banter as Finley does her homework silently in the corner of the table, she was listening intently to her friends but wanted to finish this before she went home, luckily it was nearly done

"Done!" She cheers after a few more minutes shoving the paper into a folder and into her bag

"Good job Fin" Anastasia says as Rylie comes over giving everyone their orders

"If you would like anything else please call me over... enjoy your meal" She says turning from the table as the girls dig into there food, lunch was normally the only time they actually ate unless lucky enough to get food at home

"Can we just say we eat here all the time and never get sick of it" Charlotte says taking another bite, Caspian opens her bag pulling out two lactaid pills giving one to Darion who takes it quickly both girls not wanting to deal with the aftermath of a drinking a milkshake without them. The table was filled with laughter and smiles as the girls enjoyed their food today was one of those good days and they hoped nothing would ruin it.

Heyyo its KJ hope you enjoyed this short chapter and have a wonderful day/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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