Chapter 3

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Groaning, Jake slowly sat up from the ground, rubbing his hip with a scrunched up face. He hissed at the painful response it gave to that. There was a shout from someone standing right beside him, but it took him a moment to decipher;

"Jake! Finn! Are you two okay?!" Yutani had shouted, worry coating her voice. She stood close, scanning for any injuries on Jake first, then on Finn. Jake looked over to Finn.

He laid on the ground, eyes shut and his face as blank as always. However, the concerning part was that he didn't groan or sit up or do anything.

"Is he..?" Fresh asked cautiously, stepping over to them with a look of concern in his face. Jake furrowed his brows, watching Finn. Fresh shook his shoulder, but he still didn't stir.

"Yep, out like a light. What do we do?" Jake asked as he slowly rose to his feet, holding onto his hip and shifting his weight onto his other foot instead.

Yutani was poking Finn in the cheek, then blew on his eyes as if to check something. When she didn't get the response she expected, she looked a tad surprised and her worry grew.

"We should take him home." Tricky suggested, reaching down to pull Finn up by his arms. Fresh helped, holding Finn at the opposite side of where Tricky held him. He eyed her with confusion. "But we don't know where he lives." Fresh said.

"Oh.." Tricky said quietly, looking down to Finn. Yutani stepped closer, "How about someone else takes him home then?" She asked, gazing over the group.

"Won't his parents get worried or something?" Jake asked. He was all too familiar with worried moms and how they could act sometimes. Just staying out an hour too long resulted in his mom calling his friends' parents and asking for him.

"Then we'll just have him call them when he wakes up." Tricky suggested. The others nodded along. "It's the best we can do." She added.

"So, who'll take him then?" Jake asked the group, eyeing them all. There was a moment of silence, then Fresh raised his brows. "I can't take him to me, my parents wouldn't allow that at all. Plus, I got a lil' brother, who probably won't be too happy with Finn."

"My mother's super strict, she would never let anyone sleep over at my place." Tricky said and raised her hands in defense. "And it's not like she won't question why the hell he's passed out in the first place."

Yutani stepped back, "I don't think my dad would like that either." She mumbled, then looked down to Finn. Concern flashed her face momentarily, but then nothing else.

Jake didn't attempt to suppress the urge to sigh, knowing by the expecting looks that his friends were giving him right now, that he was the one who would have to take Finn to his home.

"Fine, but y'all have to help carry him to my place then." Jake said as he stepped closer, looking for where to hold Finn in order to carry him properly.

Fresh and Tricky were holding Finn up from under his armpits, each holding under one. Jake reached down to hold his ankles up, grimacing as he did.

"This is weird." Jake declared, "Can't we use that turbine we found?" He asked, looking to Yutani for an answer.

She raised a brow, "You mean the turbine that you knocked him out with in the first place? The turbine that's supposed to stay a secret, and not supposed to be seen while we get him through the city?" She asked.

Frank x Jake | Subwaysurfer (Crack? But also not?)-Fic[OLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora