The Rebel

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The baby boy

They took him from me when I was little while I slept, but they left my Mum and me behind. For a long time I thought he’d left us because he didn’t love us anymore; I’d watched the car lights fade away and could hear my mother crying. That was the last time she cried.

It wasn’t long until I realised there would be no more bed time stories. I watched her from the staircase at her desk each night. The dull light from her computer illuminated her face while she searched for something.

The teenager

I was always inquisitive but I was never allowed in her study area. She locked it whenever she wasn’t in there and kept the key hidden. As the years went on I started asking questions, but I was always “too young” and wouldn’t understand.

One day as she unlocked the door to the study the phone rang. She grabbed her coat and left in a hurry. My eyes habitually diverted to the study when she left.

The key was in the door.

Curiosity got the better of me and I let myself in. I wasn’t disappointed or surprised. Pictures of him and newspaper clippings were pasted all over the walls.

She was looking for him.

I had written him letters and never posted them. A pile of his letters to my Mum is bundled on her desk, the creases worn. I carefully open them, read and re-read.



It is happening soon. Soon you will receive a call and you must leave everything behind. Let the boy find the letters, it is important he understands what it is we are fighting for...and against.




I used to tell you the stories of Nazi Germany. Remember them, for that is why your Mother and I have had to leave you. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin has already taken over Ukraine. He plans much worse than territory. History is close to repeating itself. We have set up camps to hide those he is targeting for genocide, and have so far been successful in spreading the word to Government bodies without Putin’s knowledge.


You may be wondering how I can say so much without this getting into the wrong hands; we have developed a secret postal service – it is unpredictable and in a world of technology driven madness, suits us well.


Our house is under protection so you are safe while you stay there.


World War III is imminent. All we want for you is to continue your life and be safe.


We love you,




She isn’t looking for him. She knows where he is. She’s helping them.


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