Chapter 1

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I settled down in a chair and sighed, allowing my mind to wander off.

The phone suddenly rang, and my mom paused making dinner to see who was calling.

"Hello?" she asked into the phone. She smiled. "Hey there! How are you?"

A pause as the person on the other end replied. "No, it's okay. What's that? Oh, you want to talk to Hope and Elizabeth? Alright, just a second." She extended the phone in my general direction. "It's Ashley."

I bounded up from the chair and ran to get it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hope!" I heard her say. "How have you been?"

"Good," I replied smiling. "You?"

"I'm doing alright."

"That's good."

There was a lull in the conversation as my teen awkwardness set in and I didn't know what to say next.  

"So you know Ateez's coming in a few weeks?"

I smiled. "Of course. Too bad, they aren't coming here. Only out of state."

"Yeah... Looks like we'll have to try to convince them to come here."

The smile slipped off my face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... I bought concert tickets to go to their concert."

I felt my face drain of all color. "Seriously?"

She laughed. "Yes."

I squealed, then cut it short. "Where?"

Elizabeth, my little sister, ran out of her room. "What is it?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"Chicago, Illinois. It's their concert that was originally postponed due to the Covid's."

I frowned. "How are we getting there? Are we going to fly?"

She snorted. "You really think my paycheck could handle three tickets and flying?"

"Okay... then how are we getting there?" I asked, playfully rolling my eyes even though I knew she couldn't see me.

Elizabeth frowned impatiently. "Where are we going?"

"Driving. Mom and Dad are going to drive us down."

"Wait, they agreed?"

I heard her laugh. "Yep."

"What stunt did you pull to make them agree?" I asked.

"It's called being an adult."

I made a face. "Lucky."

"Just wait until you're an adult. It's great paying taxes."

I chuckled. "Fair point. I think I'll just lean on mom and dad a little longer."

"Smart choice."

"When are we leaving?" I asked excitedly.

"Leaving for where?" my annoying little sister asked. I gave her a sharp look and put my finger to my lips.

"April second."

My eyes widened in shock. "That's only ten days away!" I shrieked. "How long are we going to be gone?"

"Only a few days. We'll drive down Wednesday and leave Saturday," Ashley explained calmly.

"So... like, three, four outfits?" I asked, turning to face my mom.

"That sounds about right."

"Where are we going?" Elizabeth asked again. I rolled my eyes but put the phone on speaker. "Would you mind sharing the news again? Elizabeth didn't hear you."

"Hey, number three! Do you know the concert Ateez is putting on?"


"I bought front row seats for us to go. Well, more like standing room, but their concerts aren't usually that long, I don't think."

"Really?" she shrieked.

My crazy older sister only laughed. "Yes."

Elizabeth started to scream and jump up and down. "I'm going to be able to see Mingi!" she screamed.

I sighed. "He's twenty-one."

She stopped jumping to stare at me. "So?"

"You're ten," I reminded her.


I groaned. "Really?" I sighed again. "None of us are going to marry him so he can be your brother in law."

"How do you know?" she asked putting her hands on her hips. Her eyes sparkled. "Just wait until I tell San you like him~," she squealed.

I glared at her. "I will tell Mingi you want to marry him."

She groaned. "Please don't."

"I will if you tell San," I threatened.


I jerked out of my fantasy. "Yeah?"

"Set the table please."

"Okay." I got up from the chair and made my way over to the kitchen, thinking about the fantasy I had just created. I sighed.

If only... I thought. If only it would actually happen.

Well... here you go. :P

Sorry if it wasn't great. This is my first time ever posting anything, and most of my writings are strictly off-limits for other people to read, so... I guess you could consider yourself lucky? Anyway, I was going to go longer, but... then it would've turned into a whole story, and with the frequency that I get writer's block, this would probably never get posted. If you want me to continue on a little further, I will. :)

But with how crapy my writing skills are, that's probably not going to be the case. :')

But I'll leave it up to you to decide. :P

Have a great rest of your day! Or if you're reading this at night... um...

Don't stay up too late?

But anyway, toodles! :)

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