chapter 2

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Jones had his final hearing in the court as he complted his term of 5 years in juvenile jail for mudering estella johhn. Jones smiled to himself today, woke up early dressed in his only pair of clothes that estella had gifted him. He looked more mature with sparkling and dark brown eyes which had so many mysterious stories to reveal. As the jailer came and opened the lock, he saluted in a mocking way  and walked past other jailers grinning happily. It was not his last day but he was goining to be released soon.

As he reached the court his face covered in black mask, the jailer uncovered his face. Jones landed his eyes on  a girl who was fighting to remove handcuffs with poilcemen. She was wearing a black tee with ripped jeans her hair a messy and face and eyes red. Eventually she was moved out of sight of jones as other policemen dragged her forcefully inside the court.

Jones had his hearing and was announced that his term has ended and he will be released day after tommorw. He was  advised and motivated to live a better life ahead. He had no one to enjoy his release. No friend or family. The judge dismissed the case. His handcuffs were removed and now he was a free bird.

He roam from one courtroom to other in search of a shadow, that girl he saw this morning. Finally he could see  ray of hope when he saw a court full of people where that same girl stood in accused place. " "Emily watson  we have a cctv footage that  you  have hit the car to a divider"
Jones now knew her name. He stood near the courtroom to hear everything. He came to knew that she hit a divider and also had injured a man named David. And it was david who has brought the case to the court. jones lost control of what was going in the courtroom what all he could see was her magnificent face with sparkling eyes that showed pearls like tears. He stared at her face till the case was dismissed and she again disappeared  from his sight.

It was day eight when he could finaly trace where emily leaved and all about his family.
He had never met her  personally neither  introduced himself but saw her from a distance. Admired her beauty and was happy. One fine day he came across her in a grocery store and she saw him for the first time ever. Their eyes connected giving sparks to his heart. He blushed by seeing that emily suddenly smiled to which jones smiled broadly showing his set of teeth. Thats how she started a conversation asking " Hey you seem to forget something?"
He was astonished and  he replied "hi. Hey . You mean what?"
" that you are continously smiling  from last 3 mins" she grinned giving a smirk.

" Oh.. is it. Oh .. yes i mean" jones trailed off not knowing what to say.

God. She is the ONE. Jones thought to himself.

while daily following emily, jones came to know that she has a friend who is a guy. Guy best friend may be..  anyhow Emily also came to know that jones started following her. They met here n there for a min or two. But they nevr really spoke.

Now emily started feeling curious n it was irritating that jones followed her all the time. She thought to herself that she will soon get rid of this shit once when she move to a new place with Eric her fiancee.

On sunday emily woke up grinning to herself that today  is the day after so many years that eric n emily cn live their dream.
But somehow she felt emptiness in her heart. She Chcked her phone to see the time instead what she saw was she never dreamt off.

Tobe continued.

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