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(outfit above^)

"you've got this louis, you can do it" louis says as he stares at himself in the mirror above the sink in his bathroom

"all you have to do is walk through the gates of hell and not get bullied. how hard could that be?" he's still staring himself down in the mirror, looking over his outfit again and again, adjusting it every so often

this year he has decided to be true to himself, meaning he's finally dressing how he wants. he's sick of hiding who he really is and now it's finally time to show the world. but it's scary, knowing that only his best friends have seen him dress like this before and he doesn't know what other people will think, he just prays that they won't care and just let him be him. everyone knows louis is gay and they were pretty accepting, aside from the odd few comments but this is a whole different thing, he's about to walk into school in a skirt. a boy in a skirt is just not something that happens often where he lives and he doesn't know how well people will take it but he just has to do it. this is something that he needs to do for himself and he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him anymore. this entire summer before school, he's been building up his confidence, all leading up to this moment and now that it's finally here he feels like he's going to pass out

"I can't do it! i'm not going, i give up. i may as well just drop out and become a stripper, i'm cute enough aren't i?" he turns to his friends zayn and niall who are sat in his room, looking at them with pleading eyes

"of course you are louis but you can't drop out, you haven't even tried yet. i also didn't wake up at 5am to come here to support you for you to give up" zayn said trying to comfort louis as he paces around the room

"louis, i would appreciate it if you could just stand still for one second, you're making me dizzy with all this pacing" niall piped up with an eye roll

"you're not the one wearing a skirt!!!! i'm sweating, i'm shaking, i can't breath, oh shit i can't breath" louis' full on panicking now. he's fanning his face with his hands as he paces even faster around the room making niall get up and grip him by the shoulders and sit him down

"breath louis. you need to breath" niall says trying to calm louis down

"you know what? you're so right, why didn't i think of that. i can't breath so i should just breath, you ever thought of writing a book of advice niall?" louis says sarcastically as he rolls his eyes. but if he's being honest it did help, not the breathing part but it made him laugh and relaxed him

"louis darling, you've been doing everything you can all summer to try and boost your confidence and now you're just going to give up because you're worried about what other people will think? me and niall are going to be right by your side, so many people are. the world is ready to see the real louis tomlinson but is louis tomlinson ready for the world to see?" zayn always knows what to say and he's right, he's worked too hard to get to were his is in his self-confidence to throw it all away. he knows what he needs to do and he's finally ready

"i'm ready. let's go show the world who louis tomlinson really is"

first chapter done!!! i hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you all in the next one<3

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