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"do i have to go? it just seems like a waste when you never do anything on the first day anyway" harry's mum is stood at his door forcing him to get out of bed and get ready for school

"harry you need to get up and get ready now, liam's downstairs waiting on you. i expect you down in 10 minutes, all dressed and ready" after that harry's mum leaves and he finally drags himself out of bed, not feeling like getting shouted at by his mum

10 minutes later he's stumbling down the stairs pulling his shoes on as he goes. he grabs his bag from beside the door and rushes out the door. when he's halfway down the driveway he remembers that he forgot liam inside, so he runs back in to get him

"nice to know that you remembered me, cheers mate" liam says sarcastically as he waves by to anne, harrys mum. harry gives his mum a kiss goodbye as he grabs a banana from the fruit bowl on the table and then heads out to get in liam's car

"don't look at me while i eat my banana, it's weird" harry says to liam who just chuckles to himself and starts the car to head to school. after a few minutes of driving liam breaks the silence

"had a good summer?"

"yeah you?"

"yeah, found myself a girl and i actually really like her" liam's always been a ladies man, but he's not a player at all. harry doesn't think he's met anyone as respectful and caring as liam and that's probably why their such good friends. liam has always been there for harry and the other way round as well. harry doesn't have many friends, not that he's a loser or anything, he just doesn't want or trust many people but liams different. from the first time they ever met, harry knew they would get along and so far they have

"i'm happy for you, can't wait to meet the person who's stolen my lima beans heart"

"you'll get to meet her someday but now we need to find you a girl" and there it is. what harry hoped would never come up. over the summer harry realised that he's not exactly straight. he doesn't know what he is exactly but he'd rather not put a label on himself. harry also hasn't told liam yet, not that he's scared to because he knows liam won't care but really because he hasn't found the right time. it must be as sign from the universe though, telling him that now is the right time and he knows better than to question the universe, so he just goes out and says it

"yeah, about that...i'm not straight" that wasn't too bad, but he's yet to hear liams reaction


"i'm not straight liam. i don't know what i am but i know that i'm attracted to more than just girls. i don't want to put a label on it, and i don't want to tell everyone but i felt like you needed to know" it felt like a weight had been lifted off harry's shoulders once he finally told liam

"okay, cool. you know i don't see you any different. no matter what your sexuality is, you will always be my best friend. i'm happy that you told me and i'm proud of you" harry felt relief wash over him as he said that

"thanks mate, means a lot. now if you don't pick up the pace and drive faster, we are never going to get to school on time" liam just laughed in response but put his foot down a bit

once they finally got to school, harry and liam quickly got out the car and rushed through the school doors. when they got inside, they realised that they still had some time before the first bell went, so they went over to harry's locker so he could get his stuff and just stayed there until the bell. just as it was about to go, the front doors to the school swung open and in walked the boy that was about to change his life forever, but harry just didn't know it yet...

second chapter done!!!! hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next one<3

The Prettiest (larry stylinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon