Gathering the AUs

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(Just so you know I managed to persuade Error to help me gather them and they know all of the originals:Star Sanses, Bad Guys, etc.) (I don't own the youtube video, credit to owner!)
"Oof!" Every Sans except Realm says.


"WHO ARE YOU!" Omega yells.

(Call me Unknown or Moon.)

Murder growls.

(I mean no harm.)

"Yeah right." Mix says.

(I promise you.)

"Fine." Mix growls.

Realm signs, *I think I can trust you.*

(Thank you Realm and before anyone asks how I know they're names I am a creator so I know info about you guys.*Hiding that I'm they're creator.*)

Soul sighs.


"So, how are you going to stop us from leaving? I know you must have some way to stop us." Murder asks.

(That's simple I have convinced Original Error to help me.)

"HellO I GuesS." Error groans.

*Before anyone asks if hes always this agrivated, nah hes just mad at me.*

*Hi!* Realm signs excited.

(Alright, so you guys are going to be doing an ask and dare but the Original Stars and Bad guys might have to do it too.)

ExcusE ME!? Error yells.

*Alright just put dares in the comments, Bye!*

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