My Amazing (best) Friend

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So I have this friend, I didn't wanna spend the rest of today watching Netflix so I decided to write about my best friend. They are so awesome. They are supportive. They are nice. They make me feel good and filled with joy when I'm feeling at my worst. They put a genuine smile on my face that will not last forever on my face, but lasts forever in my heart. I hope to stay in contact with them through my and their life all the way. I think they'll probably reading this and I don't wanna cause confusion, so here you go, this magical best friend (who isn't imaginary), their name is Luna. If you're reading this, Heyyy, remember oog. (It's and inside joke, for those who this isn't meant for). I don't know if I will ever publish this, because I don't know what people will think, so I wanted to make this like a diary, maybe, I might not because I've never had a diary out of fear that someone might open it and read my entire inner personal life, which is probably very a normal, pre-teen life and I'm just making a big deal out of it. I feel like it's all on my head. "Are my feelings are a lie...?" Is a question I ask myself every day.
Also I want to ask for some advice for those who read this. I hear it's a very common problem, I can't sleep. Well I can sleep but not well, I get about 6 hours. And yes it's not that bad but I dread having to go to sleep every day. I usually listen to music because it blocks out my thoughts. I will not mention it here, at least I don't think so yet what I'm thinking. So I just kinda sit there, tired, and it feels like hours but it's usually one to one and a half, and if I'm unlucky I get 2. Yesterday (nobody cares but I'll pretend someone does) I went to bed at about 10 pm. I listened to music if ya wanna know It was "Tokyo Ghoul- Ending 1" on a loop for one hour. The bass at the start was too loud for my headphones, but nevertheless I still fell asleep (summmhow). And then I woke up (what a surprise!!) About 2 hours later. I switched it to some other lofi style music and it worked.
Oh and I forgot that this was about my best friend I got just a tad bit sidetracked. If you are reading this, you are a good friend. You're a good person. You're, um, you're so magical and you make me feel better. So I just want to thank you right here right now.

🌹 🌻 🌼🌸🌺💐Thank you. 💐🌺🌸🌼🌻🌹

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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