Hello Usually Doesn't Involve Bullets (1)

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"I'm taking the car," Five stated as he put down the empty coffee maker and started towards the stairs. Somehow, the house hadn't changed in the 45 years he'd been gone, and that included the lack of caffeine throughout the whole block.

"Where are you going?" Allison still hadn't gotten used to the fact that her missing brother was back, albeit a 58 year old man in a 13 year old body.

"To get a decent cup of coffee," Five threw a glance both at Allison and at Klaus, who was still sitting there in a skirt; most likely high on something he found in his pockets.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Questioned Allison, watching Five grab his jacket and turn around to look at her.

"I know how to do everything." Klaus watched Five disappear in a wobbly portal of blue, then turned to Allison.

"I feel like we should try to stop him, but then again, I also just kinda wanna see what happens."~~~Five walked into Griddy's Diner, a wave of nostalgia and comfort washing over him as he made his way to the counter. He saw a man sitting at the counter already, but no waitress was in sight. As he took a seat and looked around to order, he heard the door open again and turned to look, an old habit from the Commission of constantly watching his surroundings. The girl who came in looked to be about his age with short black hair, dressed in dark jeans, a hoodie, and headphones on, oblivious to the world around her.

As she looked around, she saw a boy in a uniform and an older man sitting at the counter, and decided to join them. Taking a seat, she took off her headphones and looked for the waitress. There were some dishes clattering before the boy next to her sighed and the waitress, her name tag reading Agnes, appeared from the back dusting off her apron and pulling out her notepad and pen, slightly surprised at the amount of customers she had this late at night. 

"Sorry, sink was clogged," she chuckled as she turned to the man sitting at the curve of the counter. "So, what'll it be?"

"Uh, give me a chocolate eclair," the man stated, obviously tired from the day's work.

"Mhm, sure," Agnes wrote it down on her notepad, then looked up again, waiting for him to continue. "Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" She looked at the man as the two teens raised their eyebrows and passed glances at each other, obviously confused about why the waitress things all three of them are together.

"This kid wants coffee. Black," Five stated with a smile, which in other circumstances could be considered slightly creepy.

"And I'll take a chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream please," The girl responded as she yawned, slightly frustrated that she was awake this early instead of sleeping.

Agnes glanced between the two kids, then back to the man and chuckled to herself. "Cute kids," she said, seemingly directed towards the older man, as she walked towards the kitchen to prepare the food and drinks just ordered.

Five turned to the girl, slightly intrigued as to why someone his age, physically at least, was awake so late and out alone at a diner. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she snarked as she took her attention away from something that looked like a phone. Five chuckled, already finding this girl more interesting than his emotionally stunted siblings at home.

"Sorry, just lost in thought I guess. Why are you out here so late anyway?" Five questioned as he looked the girl in the eyes for the first time, and he could've sworn he saw flicker of electricity travel through her eyes.

The girl laughed, taking in the boy sitting before her. At a closer look, he seemed to be wearing a school uniform, with his dark hair neatly styled and his blue eyes flickering over her, as if they were both trying to learn as much about the other without talking. Now that she got a better look, he wasn't bad to look at either, but that was besides the point. "When I can't sleep, there's rarely anything I can do, so I thought walking around and clearing my head might help. Seems my body wanted milkshakes instead so here I am." She stuck out her hand to the boy in a greeting. "My name's Bella by the way."

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