Chapter 1

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Elena was sitting at the bar drinking. She was confused and upset, yesterday she had her first transition. She was a werewolf, he uncle John who is actually her father finally told her the truth. 

She was a doppelgänger but she knew that, what she didn't know was she was part werewolf. She has the werewolf gene from her father and on top of that she found out she had a older sister, Hayley. The wolf that came into town with Tyler. 

She was drowning her sorrows when she felt a presence next to her. "Hello love." He whispered in her ear as he sat down. 

"Klaus." She sipped some of her beer. "So what has you drinking?" He asked as he ordered a beer. 

She looked at him "You can tell me love, I won't tell anyone." He drank some of his beer. She sighed 'might as tell someone' she thought. 

So she told him she was a werewolf and how she had a secret sister and how she is mad with the Salvatores. 

"But I told Damon that if Stefan and I broke up I wouldn't ever get with him but he just don't give up." Elena complained drunkenly. "Im sorry you had to deal with that Love." He said as he push some of her hair behind her ear. 

"Now you tell me, what has you drinking?" Elena raised an eyebrow. "My siblings are annoying and I need to get away for a bit." Klaus just shrugged his shoulders. 

"While I should get home." Elena stood up and giggled. "Ill walk with you." Klaus stood up and followed her outside. 

They talked about random things while he walked her home. Soon they had arrived and they were on her porch "Thanks for walking me home." Elena smiled. 

"No problem." He said. She went to walk but tripped, she prepared for the fall and closed her eyes. Instead of feeling the hard ground she felt to arms around her. 

She looked up through her eyelashes and gulped. She kept looking at Klaus's lips and eyes and he did the same to her. Both realizing how close to each other they were. 

"Do you want to come in...for something to drink?" She asked. "Sure." He said. She opened the door and invited him in. She got him some water as well as herself. 

She felt his gaze on her, making her feel things she shouldn't. She looked up and saw his eyes darken with desire. 

They were standing side by side leaning on the kitchen counter. "Screw it." Klaus whispered and pulled her towards him attacking her lips. 

She quickly kissed him back. They both fought for dominance, Klaus soon had it. They were moving towards the stairs when he pushed her against the wall. 

Kissing her neck and her moaning his name in return. He soon flashed them to her room and threw her on the bed. He got on top of her ripping her shirt open and kissing exposed flesh. 

She was moaning his name as her hands gripped his hair and then pulled off his shirt. Soon they were both naked and he was inside of her. She clawed at his back screaming his name and enjoying the pleasure. She flipped them so she was on top. 

Elena waked the next morning with arms around her waist. She looked up at Klaus and remember what happened and slightly blushed. 

After he woke up she sat up and started to get dressed. "If you want to learn more about your family and pack I know a few wolves in New Orleans that could help you." Klaus put on his shirt. 

"Thanks and I'll ask Hayley to go might as well get to know each other." Elena sighed as she pulled up her hair. She looked in the mirror and noticed a few hickeys that were fading away. 

"Bye Elena." Klaus walked out of her room. "Bye!" She said and then she heard the front door close. 


Elena went to the Lockwood Mansion and knocked on the door. Tyler answered "Hey Elena. what can I do for you?" He asked. 

"Is Hayley here? I wanted to talk to her." Elena asked. "Yeah come in." He let her in and called for Hayley.  Hayley walked in and saw Elena "Hey Elena what can I do for you?" Hayley sat across for her. 

"What do you know about your birth parents?" Elena asked. "Not much. Why?" Hayley asked. "I found out some interesting news yesterday about our father." Elena said. "Did you just say 'our' father?" Hayley wanted to make sure she heard correctly. 

Elena nodded and told Hayley about what John had told her. "Wow. I have a sister." Hayley slightly smiled, she had always wanted a family. Elena smiled "So I talked to someone and he said that some wolves in New Orleans would tell us more about our family and pack." Elena said. 

"So you want me to go tow New Orleans with you?" Hayley asked and Elena nodded. "I figured it would be a good way to get to know each other." Elena said. 

Hayley agreed to go with her and soon they were on the road. If only they knew what trouble New Orleans would bring them...maybe just maybe they wouldn't have gotten in the car. 


They reached New Orleans and got a Hotel room to stay in. They had been there for four days and couldn't find any wolves and they were sitting in a bar called  Rousseau's. 

"It's been four days Elena and we haven't found anything. Are you sure this guy didn't give false information?" Hayley asked. "I know and he wouldn't have a reason to lie to us about this." Elena took a drink of her ice tea. 

"Third time in here this week." The Bartender said.  "I'm obsessed with The Gumbo, Jane-Anne." Elena replied.  "The old ladies in the ninth ward say my sister Sophie bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish." Jane-Anne said.  "We asked around the quarter about our family." Hayley said. 

"And?" She asked. "Nothing. Zero. Can't find a single person who remembers them" Elena said. "Because, Girls, people like you were run out of here years ago." Jane-Ann explained.  

"What do you mean, people like us?" Hayley asked. "In the Bayou, they call the werewolves Roux-Ga-Roux. You head out there; you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go" Jane-Ann showed them the way on a map and they left. 

Jane-Ann's sister Sophie gave her a look and Jane-Ann ignored it.

To Be Continued...

The video on top is one of the trailers for this story.

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