Chapter one: Good night & Good morning

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I hate school...especially math...I hate math.

you think as you finish the last of your homework. you look at your clock...the party started an hour ago.


You turn your music up louder to drown out your parents yelling.

not again...i swear if he hits her, i'm calling the cops.

you know that their fighting wasn't there yet, but still, you worry cuz after seventeen years of marriage. You'd have thought that they could have solved their problems by now. You sit dowm and open up your book, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. You sit there for a few hours until you baby brother starts crying and you mom storms in with the screaming baby,

"(y/n)! You woke up the damned baby! if you don't turn that off and go to bed this instant, i swear to god i will..."

"Oh shut it will you?" you snap,"Do you two think that these walls are soundproof or something? cuz for fifteen years i've listened to you two snap, FIFTEEN YEARS mom, how do you think that's affected me, huh? How?"  You finally let it all go. Her yelling just pushed you too far. She freezes, as does the baby

aw crap...Did i break her? Is she going to cry? You'll be in so much trouble if she cries. and here's dad. Great.

"What in hell's name is going on in here?" He asses our stances and mom's facial expressions, stuck between shocked, fear, and anger. 

"Marilyn." He coos. "Put the baby down then go have some tea. i'll be down in a second." She just nods. as soon as she walks away. He closes the door and stares at it for a second.

"(y/n), you know you mother's very sensitive...Why must you yell at her all the time?"he doesn't bother to even look at you. He knows you too terrified to say anything but tonight, you surprise him.

"Are you SERIOUS?" you screech," ALL YOU PEOPLE DO, EVERY NIGHT IS YELL AT EACH OTHER!! YOU TWO DON'T LOVE EACH OTHER!! WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE JUST END IT AT GIVE ME PEACE?!?!" You just let it go. Your hands curl up into balls and you feel like punching him in the face. his shoulders curl in, but remains silent. after a long pause, he straightens himself and opens the door. he looks over his shoulder whispers in a restraing voice,

"your grounded...Go to bed"

Your completely silent. then you freak out, your pacing around your room, throwing stuff onto the floor and then just staring at it, finally you catch yourself in the mirror. You see a red-faced, teary-eyed, and messed-up haired person.

Why am i crying?

you wonder as you slowly pick everything up and climb into bed. after a few minutes of thinking in the dark, you climb out of bed, switch the lights on and go to your secret box. You type in the code, and pull out McGuffey, an old rag doll who's button eyes is falling out and is bursting at the seams. you turn out the lights and let yourself cry.

Why didn't he react? He should have reacted right? Who am i talking to?

"Good night." you hoarsely whisper.

All most too soon, you fall asleep.

"Hello Ladies and gentlemen!! And good Morning! Welcome to Test number one. After you complete this test, you will be told all you need to know. If you don't, you are sent back home. If you don't want to even try; A. you're a butt and B. The exit door's that way. Good Night & Good Morning to you all."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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