Chapter Two

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"How are you feeling?" Eleanor asked.

She was one of the people I had become close friends with through modeling. It was probably one of the only good things about it and reasons I continued, besides the fact that my mother and siblings needed the money. Even though I didn't make much since I wasn't any sort of huge and famous model, every little bit helped.

I turned as the camera flash went off, the two of us posing side by side before I replied.

"I'm alright. I really need to be more careful. Not sure what's gonna happen now. Kimberly wasn't so happy with me."

"I'm sure it will all work out. Always does," she responded as she pushed her long brunette locks out of her face. She was wearing a short navy dress that fit loosely along her body, but still showed off her curves. There were thin beaded straps at the top and it looked absolutely stunning on her. I wasn't quite sure how it was possible for anyone to look so naturally amazing, El didn't even have to try.

"Sure hope so," I muttered, fixing my dress. I was given a navy dress to wear as well, except mine was a tight fit on the top with a layer of lace and a silver pattern over the navy. The bottom half was made of a dark blue silky material that flowed when I spun.

Basically, it was homecoming dresses we were suppose to be modeling. Although it was only the beginning of January, the business needed the pictures and it would take quite some time to get the final copies to them.

"We need more lights, and maybe some sort of confetti or something. I don't know, it just needs something more," I could hear one of the photographers say.

"So, do you have any idea of what is going to happen? You know, since Kimberly was left extremely unhappy."

I shrugged. "As of yesterday I was suppose to attend a meeting tomorrow, but this morning she decided to change it to the following day. Don't really know what it is she's trying to do and all, but guess I'll find out then."

Eleanor nodded in understanding. "Whatever happens can't be that bad. You tripped. Accidents happen. I embarrass myself all the time, especially in front of Louis."

"Ooo, speaking of Louis, how is lover boy?" I wiggled my eyebrows, causing a small giggle to escape her lips as a smile formed on her face.

"Girls turn please!"

"He's fantas-," just as she began to reply, we were interrupted by someone shouting from across the room.

"Okay, silver confetti falling..... now!" one of the photographers said to the other.

I looked up, watching as a piece of the ceiling opened up as a fan begin to blow, shiny silver pieces of confetti falling out and dancing around the room.

El and I smiled, enjoying the fun little prop the decided to throw in. We spun in circles, filling the air with giggles, petting an adorable little puppy when an employee brought one over, and tossed beach balls back and forth.

"More light in the center!" a voice echoed around the room. "And turn the fan up!"

The camera flash went off a few more times, taking several more pictures all of which were from different angles. By the end of the photo shoot, I wouldn't of been surprised if there were a couple hundred pictures just of myself and El.

Eventually, the two of us were allowed to go back and get changed into our own outfits. I kept my hair the way it was, falling loosely from my head, and changed into a pair of jeans, boots, sweater, jacket, and a scarf.

Sometimes I wished I wasn't modeling, especially for Faviana because all of their lines are dresses. At the same time, I enjoy it, but still wish it was simpler clothes I modeled, not fancy dresses for perfect girls.

"How's everything back at home?" Eleanor question, referring to my messed up family.

My father left us when I was much younger. I was about twelve, and my siblings were even younger. I had a sister who was ten at the time, so she is currently eighteen. I also had a brother and another sister, both whom were twins, just barely a year old, when my father left and took everything. Somehow, he got hold of all the money, even though there wasn't much to begin with. He literally destroyed almost everything on the first floor of the house the day he left. There were holes in the wall and shattered glass all around the rooms. It was absolutely terrible. He got away with it, but only because we couldn't afford court. My mom wasn't even able to file a divorce. My father became and alcoholic and what not, and my mom sort of did as well. Sometimes she would spend hours out each night drinking at bars, and the next day she would be hungover. When I was seventeen, my father broke into our house and raped my mother. She was somewhat drunk at the time, and went along with it. The next year another addition to my so called family arrived. Now just a little over two years old, she had perfect brown hair and big hazel eyes.

I could of responded by saying something along the lines of, 'my mom is still an alcoholic and we are the next thing closest to homeless,' but instead I just responded with a simple,"Fine."

She nodded in understanding, aware that I obviously didn't want to talk about it. I probably had the most messed up family in all of existence.

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