Chapter 4

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As Alicia ran to her house, she remembered that she had to go to the doctor. She checked her watch that showed 3:30 pm and made a sharp turn to the doctor's office.


"Alicia, I have news for you that may be hard for you to hear", the doctor began.

"No, it's fine. I was there when they were killed", Alicia said, sinking into her chair.

"I'm very sorry to hear that"

"It's fine"

The doctor stood up in front of her. "Call me Dr. Parks"

Alicia nodded. "So, Dr. Parks, how are you going to help me with this issue?"

"Well, I did some research and found out that there is a Match for you, but you don't actually get Matched to them"

"What does that even mean?"

"You have to find your own Match. There is no set pair for you, so your Match depends on who you fall in love with"

"That's great, because after what I just witnessed I don't think I would be able to accept a Match"

A beep came from the radio on Dr. Parks' desk. He pressed a button on the radio and the principal of my school's voice came on. "Pardon this interruption. All students attending Grantham High School have the rest of this week off. Thank you". The small announcement turned off and Dr. Parks and Alicia glanced at each other.

"It was that bad?", Dr Parks asked.

"Yeah", Alicia responded.

"Alright, back to what I was saying. This is a very dangerous position for you to be in. You have already shown a small hint of rebellion and the police are going to keep a close eye on you"

"Well crap. How do I get them to stop?"

"You can't make them stop. You have to stay under the radar and make sure they're not interested in you"

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Don't do anything rebellious. On the Matching day, follow your necklace and never come back"

"You mean, run away with my soulmate?"

"That's exactly what I mean"

"That's terrifying. But new. I'll do it"

"Great", Dr. Parks said, standing up. "I think you should stay at your house and prepare for the Matching. Come to my office if you need anything"

"I will. Thank you for the help", Alicia said. She gave Dr. Parks a small hug.

"Good luck"

"Thank you"

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