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Despair is mare,
You made me tear,
You did not care,
That's why we weren't a pair.

From the view you were scared,
Saying that am self-centered,
Made me feel like trash,
I was very harsh,
Baiby,you were also the same,
I say this with no shame,
I hope you now got the fame,
Cause this was no game.

They say it's all worth it in the end,
I don't know if I can manage,
All this makes my heart bend,
If am bleeding I got no bandage,
I got no message to send,
No one would hear me from a cage.

We are busy destroying the bond,
We both fighters but we can't engage,
It isn't how it used to sound,
We are literally at the edge,
I need you to hold my hand,
We need to release this bargage.

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