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Today was my mothers birthday. I was now sitting in my Audi, driving to her party.
I just got home from a huge business deal in Japan, so I was a little weary, but I was used to it.

When I got to my mothers house, which I by the way payed for, I parked outside and then let myself in.
I saw my mother talking to a blonde lady, around her own age. I went over to them and said hi.

"Harry, my dear. You made it. Oh, I've missed you so much. This is Andrea, my good friend" , my mother squealed really loud and happy. I chuckled.

"Yes mom, I made it" I smiled. "And hello Andrea, nice to meet you" I said, and shakes her hand.

I gave them both a smile, and went to see if there was anyone I knew in this room. But when I looked around all I saw was people my moms age. I frowned a little, but went a talked to a guy working for my firm. He was surprised that I talked to him, normally I would never try to talk to my employees. I know it sounds hard, but in the business world, you gotta be a bitch.

I said farewell to the man I was talking to, to go to the bathroom.

I looked at my phone, until I pumped in to something.

"Owhh" a soft voice said. I looked up from my phone, and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her long dark brown hair was hugging her gorgeous glowing face, and her deep brown eyes were shining in the light, her eyelids were covered in green eyeshadow that completely matched her sequenced top, which hugged her boobs really nice, my eyes might have stayed there for too long, because before I could even start thinking about how her ass probably looked in her tight skirt she smacked me lightly on the arm.

I looked up and saw her looking at me with a puzzled look on her face, I smirked. "Hi love, I'm Harry. Harry Styles" I said as I looked her into her glowing eyes. She laughed a little, and I gotta say it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, then said. "Wow. First of all" then she slapped me lightly on the arm again. My arm was starting to hurt because of her. "That was for staring and my body, like I was meat. And second. You're not James Bond." She said. And then chuckled a little more.

I smirked again, this girl was truly amazing. I stepped a little closer to her, making her shift uncomfortable.

"So what's your name, babe" I asked.
"Uhm. I'm Julianna, but you can call me Julie or Anna like everybody else" she said, a little quiet.

"Wow, Julianna. That's really beautiful, like you" I said.
She smiled, probably from my totally cliche pick-up line. She looked at me kinda annoyed and said: "Yeah well, I just told you to call me Julia or Anna. Not Julianna."

"Well, I think I will call you Julianna" I smirked. Then closed the gap between our bodies and whispered in her ear. "But now that I think about it, I'm just gonna call you princes"
I winked. And walked in the opposite direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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