Chapter 7. Brandon, Back and Bad

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Brandon walked in and sat beside Jody. "Brandon?!" said Jody. "I thought you were in Florida?"

"No, that was only a short trip. I came back ages ago and I'm happy to see you," replied Brandon, as he gave Jody a little kiss on the cheek.

She leant back, looking astonished "Brands. I'm with Tyler now. We're getting married." said Jody.

This moment sort of suits Brandon because he already knew this so he doesn't need to pretend to not be astonished as he already knew. He had overheard the conversation in the office.

"Married? Cool. Sorry, can we be friends?" said Brandon, trying to sound like he couldn't care less. "Sure, friends only though," said Jody as she looked at him.

Tyler was awesome but Jody couldn't help but admire Brandon's smooth skin, lovely smile and his big ocean blue eyes as they stared at her.

"Long time no see, eh?" said Brandon. Jody did her half-smile as she does when she is pretending something, or unsure about it. "Yeah, I guess..." she stated.

"Why are you in your bedroom sulking?" asked Brandon. Jody didn't know if she should tell him so she said nothing but Brandon didn't care as he already knew.

"Ah, you and Tyler business?" asked Brandon. Still, Jody said nothing. "The silent treatment isn't working," said Brandon. Jody still says nothing, which annoys Brandon.

Jody feels lonely inside for a second... she can feel her heart beating faster and faster... Brandon feels the same.

Brandon talking about Tyler makes her feel a lot of discomforts. Why does she feel all this pain? Then it comes to her, 'It's my ex talking about my BF (boyfriend and best friend)' she thinks.

Then she decides to talk "Why are you here? What do you want!?" she shouts. "Gee. I just want to talk," replies Brandon.

"I'm not sure I want to..." said Jody calmy, but then she starts firing up. "How many times I'm with Tyler now so go away?!" Annoyingly Brandon still wants to talk to Jody.

"I want to come with you, live with you in St Lucia!" spits out Brandon, not meaningly. "How do you know?" said Jody. "Umm, just a lucky guess right?" replied Brandon, but he sounds unsure.

You can't guess that." shouted Jody, "Tell me how you know." Brandon stood up from sitting on the bed and says "You're not the boss of me, Jody Jackson!"

"Jodes..." said the young man at the door, and then he spotted Brandon as quickly as he saw Jody. "Brandon? Leave Jody alone!" said Tyler Lewis, fiercely.

"I'm not doing anything!" said Brandon Jones. He turned around and looked at Tyler. "I was just coming to see Jody I swear!"

"Ok, just..., Jodes you know what I mean," said Tyler and he turned around to walk out of the room. Then Brandon looked at her and sat back down onto the bed next to her.

"Jodes?" questioned Brandon. "It's my nickname that only Tyler uses!" replied Jody, slightly annoyed that Brandon had even said it.

"Sorry. Tyler really means a lot to you, doesn't he?" asked Brandon as Jody turned to face him, lost in her own thoughts "That's what Sasha said." she said drearily.

"Who's Sasha?" asked Brandon. "My best friend," said Jody as Brandon looked at her questioningly and she was about to say 'what' when she understood.

"My best friend, besides Tyler." corrected Jody. "Yeah," replied Brandon. Brandon was thinking about what it would be like to be with Jody again, as a sudden thought struck him.

'After all this time I've been alone, why didn't I try to get Jody back?' he thought. Why hadn't he? Had he thought that maybe she was best with Tyler?

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