New day, same sh*t

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You groan as you finally find your phone under the smooth satin of your peach pillowcase and turn off the blaring alarm.

Today was the first day of your final year of sixth-form, and you couldn't be dreading it any less. The sun shone through your small bedroom window and directly into your eye, temporarily blinding you as you struggled and stumbled to get out of bed.

ugh, you mentally moaned, I'm too tired for this shit.

You had promised yourself you would get a good nights sleep beforehand, so you wouldn't be as tired and groggy as you are currently...

But clearly, that was a bust.

You tossed and turned all night, your anxiety for school preventing you from getting even a wink of sleep. It wasn't fun dragging your self to the bathroom and anticipating the terrible sight before you whilst running on zero energy.

You finally look into the mirror, getting exactly what you expected: You looked like you were dragged through the the whole of England by your hair, then tossed all the way to Birmingham where you landed in a McDonald's after 5pm causing the year-7 roadmen to gang up on you and beat you up, punching you specifically in the eyeballs thanks to the dreadful dark circles under each eye.

Dammit, you thought, staring at the banshee in the mirror, I really need some concealer and my hairbrush - pull yourself together Y/N.

Nobody in their right mind could turn up to school looking like that, especially on the first day! You grabbed your concealer and caked it on as much as you could under your eyes: hoping it would do a good job of hiding the tell-tale signs of your lack of sleep. Blending it out and setting it with powder, you gripped your hairbrush and ran it through your freshly washed, white jasmine-scented hair, making sure to get all the knots out, not bothering to style it - you simply didn't have the time or patience. Once satisfied, you threw on the outfit you had prepared the night before: a black graphic t-shirt tucked into some vintage mom-jeans paired with some white airforces, [A/N: bro idk fashion just make up ur own outfit pls 😭] and grabbed your bag, doing that little run down each step downstairs and getting ready to go.

Swiping a granola bar from the granite kitchen counter, you took one last look at yourself in the living room mirror, then stepped out into the September sun.

Let the hunger-games begin.


Here's a lil pic of yoongeeee :3

[A/N: These first two parts are kind of pilots, I've never written before and I'm just seeing how it goes

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[A/N: These first two parts are kind of pilots, I've never written before and I'm just seeing how it goes. If I even get any readers, please let me know it you'd like me to continue.]

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