New day, new sh*t

16 1 4

School was tiresome.

One thing each and every student across the globe could most likely agree on.

And he in particular knew transferring to a new college and getting through the day would be even more exhausting.

His black vans tapped and squeaked against the grey vinyl floor, causing echoes to bounce off the plain white walls and stretch across the corridor. It was oddly quiet.

Was he late?

He threw a quick glance down at his watch. He was not late.

The tapping slowed and eventually came to a stop when a dull, greyish-blue door with the characters 'S C I E N C E 2' plastered on the front came into view. It seemed he had approached his first class: biology. He lingered for a bit outside the door, listening for the low buzz of the students inside. With his fingers wrapped around the cool metal of the door handle, he pushed.


[y/n's POV]

You were sitting at the back of the class, like you always do. Not wanting to be seen, or heard, or spoken to. Of course, you weren't the only student trying to shy away from the teacher's eyes; two more students shared the back row with you, deep in conversation. Luckily there were two empty seats separating you from them, leaving you with enough personal space.

The teacher had just about started the lesson, and you should've been paying attention — but that was difficult when you lost interest so easily. Your eyes wandered around the class room; gaze caught on the digestive-system diagram, scanning the blocks of text describing the inner workings of the human body. Eyes flickering up to the tiled ceiling where planets handmade by students out of what you guessed was clay and papier-mâché (meant to represent the solar system) hung on by a thin thread. Sights setting on the door handle turning downwards and widening the growing gap between wood and frame—

The door opened, and the low noise in the room ceased until the room grew silent. All attention fell on the door. Not necessarily the door per se, but whatever separated it from its frame. An unfamiliar face graced the room. With it to match walked in a pupil of slender build, closing in at around 5'9 for height.

Your vision focused on him.

He was so... pretty, you realised, giving him a once over. His skin so clear and milky white, pale and glowing. It made him look ethereal, like a fairy. The first feature that caught your attention was his eyes: those triangular eyes. Eyes that drooped slightly at the corners, his lids looking heavier, giving him a slightly tired expression.

"Ah," the teacher began, "you're the new transfer student aren't you?"

Still standing at the doorway, he nodded.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

Hesitantly, he stepped a few paces forward, "Hi," he started in a drab voice, moderately deep and barely audible, "I'm Min Yoongi."

Min Yoongi's face you likened to a triangle. Triangles upon a singular triangle. Triangular features ever so gently, gently sanded down, softened, and rounded out. His face all sharp edges and angles, like origami. Edges that soften into his button nose, his lips: pillowy and pink — that are carved like a doll's. His upper lip which is shaped like a bow dips deeper than the lower, fuller lip does, very daintily. His brows were sparse and light yet thicker and arched. Tendrils of ebony hair escaped his grey hood which concealed the rest. As he nodded his head, his hood started to slip, revealing burnt-umber locks. Yoongi has an almost feline appearance to him.

"Welcome to Rosewire Sixth Form, Yoongi. I'm Mr. Malone and I'll be your biology teacher for this year." Mr. Malone paused for a moment, eyes shifting  across the room, presumably searching for an empty seat.

"You may sit—

After scanning the room, his sights finally settle on the empty seat right besides you.

"-at the very back, next to Y/N."

Yoongi followed his gaze, his triangular eyes focusing on you. You could now pay close attention to him. He had somewhat of a baby face that was stark with his demeanour. It's almost mismatched, an unreadable expression, a slight glare fixed on such a pretty face and someone of his stature. But he wears it well. That was something noticeably unique about him. His legs, a little on the slimmer side, started moving, carrying the rest of him towards your direction. You, not wanting to be caught staring, avert your once lingering gaze. Other students throw curious looks at one another and him, as he pulls out a green stool and takes a seat next to you.

Authors Note:
Hey guys, I doubt many people are even reading this fanfic but I'll still try and give you a heads up!
This is my first ever story on Wattpad, I've always wanted to write but I'm a master procrastinator ya see and also sometimes lacked the motivation to start any writing projects.
I apologise for any mistakes in the plot, writing, grammar, story blah blah as this is my first ever book and also I'm only like 15 lol 😎🤏🏼😳🕶🤏🏼 I still have a lot to learn, if there are any mistakes you'd want me to correct, I take constructive criticism so pls don't hesitate to tell me in the comments :)
This story is probably gonna be quite long even if I didn't intend it to.

Questions about what I do/don't write:

I can't promise you anything and I'm so early in writing stages of this story, I don't know if I will be able to fit smut (if it's suited to this story) or not. I'm still figuring out any love interests and characters as the story develops! One day I might end up adding some smut 🙈(because smut always makes fan fictions s p i c y and adds more f l a v o u r 😏
I'm not entirely sure though and I've also never written smut so please don't be disappointed if I don't write any detailed smut scenes (or add any at all)
However, this story is a mystery-thriller but ❗️s m u t ❗️ can be er.. thrilling I guess, and if this story does get any traction and you guys want me to add some then sometimes in the future maybe I will 😈
The story is set in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿,🇬🇧 (I never see any popular stories about a British school unless it's like Harry Potter or sum sh 🧙‍♀️)
I live in 🇬🇧 but I'll probably get a lot of details wrong 😭 ab the investigation and shi (bro I watch true crime and all too smh 🤦🏻‍♀️) but thanks for reading if there are any readers even, and let's get on with the rest of the story.

Like I said, these first few pages are pilots and I'll be continuing the story so far as I'm not expecting anyone to be reading this and it's also like a personal project. But if anyone has any suggestions and want me to carry on writing then please leave them in the comments x

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