Part 5~look at the stars

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There he was.
Looking into my eyes, as I looked back.
There was a moment of silence until hinata came rushing over
He said "y/n you were so good!!!" With the brightening smile that could make anyone smile back
I said "thank you!" Also smiling

————time skip to when it started to get dark outside————

I went outside to the backyard and saw a trampoline so I walked over got on and laid on it
I stared at the stars happily because of all of the amazing people I've met and thought to myself 'damn, I wish I started stargazing sooner this is really calming' I continued to look at the stars
About 5 minutes later I heard a door close so I looked over to see tanaka, he saw me and walked over and asked "hey, whatcha doin'?"
"Not much just looking at the stars" I respond
"Could I join you"he says
"If you'd like to"I say
He got up onto the trampoline and laid down next to me we just stayed there not saying anything for an hour
It was peaceful and calming, I sat up and checked the time
"It's already 11pm" I said quietly Tanaka hears and says "we should go back inside"  I nod my head in agreement
Then we went inside
When we got inside some people had left   The people who didn't leave were hinata, kageyama ,kuroo,kenma,and me
Hinata and kageyama were on the couch while kageyama was picking a movie to watch and kenma was sitting next to hinata playing on his phone with kuroo trying to talk to him, me and tanaka walked over to the couch and sat down, kageyama finally chose a movie,but it was horror, I hated horror but I decided not to say anything about it
I sat down next to tanaka and the movie started
It wasn't that bad at first but towards the middle there were
Very gory things and jump scares
Every time there was a jump scare I would hide my face in tanakas chest everytime I did   His face would redden
I realized what I was doing and told him
"Sorry sorry sorry!" But whispering
My face was red
He responded "oh no it's fine" smiling
Then soon enough I fell asleep

———Tanaka POV———
I felt something on my shoulder, I looked over to see y/n and I smiled
After a bit I felt my eyes start to close and I slowly fell asleep


Sorry I was being lazy when writing the end of this part because school is exhausting  and I started it yesterday but finished today :/

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