running from lions

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Michael opened the door to his apartment, taking in the mess of dishes and broken picture frames, used tissues and at least four different blankets and a handful of pillows. He didn't want to clean up the mess. In fact, he added to it when he threw his leather jacket on the sofa and kicked off his shoes, retreating to his lonely room. He flopped onto the bed, the overwhelming smell of tears and body odor numbing his nose. Michael groaned, knowing he'd have a lot to clean. But it was now nearing ten o'clock and he had no intentions to get up again. 

He slithered under the thick comforter and laid on Luke's side, though it was more like his own at this point. He didn't bother to change out of his jeans or brush his teeth. He was too exhausted.

Emotionally, at least. Michael hated moping. He hated being the one that was utterly broken. He didn't like being irreparable. 

Luke was probably being all angellic somewhere, watching Michael waste away. He was probably angry, but Michael couldn't find it in himself to care. The boy wouldn't mind wasting away right now.

His thoughts brought him near the edge of sleep when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He unlocked the device, paying no attention to the wallpaper of Luke and himself when they went to a petting zoo as part of their first date. Nope. Not paying attention to how happy Luke looked. At all.

Michael seemed confused at the unknown number and it's message.

From Unkown:

Hey partner:) I hope u don't mind that Ash gave me ur number! totally understand if ur creeped out lol

Michael cringed at the message. The use of 'u' in place of 'you' always bothered him.

From Me:


Michael waited for who he assumed to be Calum to text back. Of course, part of Michael already knew that it was Calum because he'd already addressed the red haired boy as his partner before. Besides -- who else would be texting Michael?

From Unknown:

Ya! SOrry I thought I said it was me lol

From Me:

It's fine. Why do you need my number?

Before Calum could reply, Michael made the dark haired boy a contact in his phone. He hated seeing unknown on his screen. It made him feel unorganized.

From Calum:

Don't friends need each other's numbers?

Michael read the message and rested his phone on his stomach. He didn't know why he was making such a big deal out of this. It's a friend. He's had those before.

But this was different. Luke had been the center of Michael's attention for months. He was really his only friend. Minus Ashton, but Michael'd pushed the boy out of his life. Built up walls against his ex boss because he'd seen him at his worst time. Ashton saw Michael at the worst time of his life. He didn't need that constant reminder of how weak he was -- is in his life.

Calum seemed different though. He knows what Michael is going through. He's preparing for it right now. Attempting to, at least. Ashton didn't understand though. He hadn't the slightest idea of how crumbling and devastating it is to lose someone (in Michael's case, the most important someone) and to never get them back. Calum did.

From Me:

I guess so. You're friends with Ashton?

Michael tried to play it off like he hadn't made sort of friends with someone. He tried to tell himself that it wasn't a big deal. That he did have social interaction and that making a friend is not a big deal.

From Calum: 

Ya! he's one of the guys I'm out with rn. is ur dog ok?:(

From Me:

Ah. Yeah, just hungry.

From Calum:


From Me:


From Calum:

next time you want to be alone, just tell me. you don't have to make up a dog just because you want to go home:)

Michael turned off his phone, rolling over on his face in the pillows. He agreed with his earlier thought that, yeah, Calum is different. But it might not be as bad as he thought it would be.


Running From Lions - All Time Low

the giver is such a good movie ugh

my mom and dad are going to hawaii in two days?? and not taking me?? im hurt


-a mother betrayed by her own mother

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