Chapter 4: Mistakes

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Sans woke up to the smell of spaghetti.

No, no that wasn't right. Or was it? Something was terribly wrong, he could feel it, but his groggy mind struggled to recall what it could be. He remembered coming home early from work, he remembered Papyrus wasn't there, he had gone to look for him, and he had found--

Papyrus was dead.

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Papyrus had died and he had been too late to save him. Again. How many times had he died now? How many times more would he have to watch it happen? He clutched his pillow between his bony fingers, sockets welling up with tears.

Wait. Pillow?

Sans bolted upright, taking in his surroundings. He was in his room, lying on his bed. How was this possible? He had passed out at Grillby's, he remembered that now. Had there been another reset? His heart leapt at the possibility. If the world had reset that meant Papyrus was alive again. It meant Sans wouldn't have to sit and mourn, terrified by the possibility that a reset would never come, that he had lost his brother forever. He couldn't help but sigh in relief, looking down with a small smile, but then a piece of red cloth caught his eye.

He was still wearing Papyrus' cape.

Papyrus was gone. Nothing had changed.

But then who had carried him home?

While he contemplated this, another, more horrific thought struck him.

W H O W A S C O O K I N G S P A G H E T T I ?


Papyrus was cooking spaghetti. What better to compliment a serious talk with his brother than the most serious of pastas? He was sure Sans would appreciate it even if the noodles were a tad burnt. Or, at least, he hoped he would. With his brother's recent behavior it was hard to tell anymore.

Speaking of Sans, the smaller skeleton had been asleep an awfully long time. Normally this wouldn't concern Papyrus, Sans did spend most of his time sleeping after all, but he did seem awfully distressed. When Papyrus had laid him on his mattress he was clutching his cape so tightly he couldn't pry it away, that couldn't be a good sign. Maybe he should go check on him. After turning down the burner to ensure nothing caught fire while he was gone, he made the way up the stairs to Sans' room.

He just hoped everything turned out okay.


Why could nothing just turn out okay?

Sans took a deep breath, attempting to still his shaky hands. He knew he had to figure this out before he started panicking, but that was easier said that done. There had to be a logical explanation for what was happening. It was possible Undyne had seen what had happened over Alphys' cameras, maybe she had carried him home and decided to cook something? No, no there wasn't any yelling, it was much too quiet for it to be Undyne. Who else did he know that could cook spaghetti? No one that he could think of. The only other person Undyne had taught was Frisk. But it couldn't be Frisk, not if they were killing everyone. Unless this was their idea of a sick joke.

Well, he wouldn't exactly put it past them. That kid was pretty twisted.

He hadn't had much time to think about it before he heard muffled footsteps making their way down the hall. He only had a moment to consider what he was going to do. Without hesitation he summoned a Gaster Blaster, his eye emitting a vivid blue glow that illuminated his dark room. They might be able to reset and keep from dying permanently, but that didn't mean he couldn't put up one hell of a fight.


Papyrus was reaching out to turn the door handle but paused when he felt a strong magic crackle through the air. He recognized his brother's essence in an instant, worry seizing his soul. The only time Sans' magic flared up like that was when he was having a nightmare. If his brother was in distress he had to help him. Papyrus turned the knob and pushed the door open.


Sans narrowed his eyes when he heard the presence outside pause, the Gaster Blaster opening its mouth wide and charging up for a powerful beam. When the kid opened that door they were toast.


When the door opened Papyrus was shocked to find that not only was Sans awake, but he looked ready to attack. He was standing by his mattress, his eye glowing a bright cyan and a massive canine skull hovering behind him. The skull's jaws were opened wide, a beam ready to strike swirling in its powerful jaws. Sans had both hands in his pockets, his expression one of pure hatred. However, when his pupils focused on Papyrus his sockets widened.

"Sans?" Papyrus said. "What is this? What's going o--"

"No!" Sans screamed. "No, wait! Papyrus, M O V E !"

However it was too late. There was barely enough time to register the sound of the attack before it hit him and everything went black.


Frisk wasn't the one who opened the door. Instead it was Papyrus, innocent and so very confused.

"Sans?" Papyrus said, eyes darting between Sans and the blaster. "What's going o--"

Sans' sockets widened when he heard the telltale shriek of the Gaster Blaster.

"No!" He screamed, turning to the blaster. He couldn't stop it. Once an attack was started he no longer had control. He couldn't just stop like Papyrus could. It had never really mattered before, so he hadn't bothered to learn how but now, with his brother standing before him, it was his greatest regret. "Papyrus, M O V E !"

However it was too late, his warning came too late. With a boom the beam hit Papyrus square in the chest, shooting him clear through the railing and onto the floor a story below.

"Papyrus!" Sans cried, running over to what was left of the railing and looking over the edge. He was met with the sight of Papyrus' crumpled body on the ground below. "Oh stars, oh please no oh please please no."

He raced down the steps, taking them two at a time.

He was right before, Papyrus very well might die in this time line. But this time it would be his own brother who killed him.

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