The exchange students

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Harry's POV

I was just getting ready for the day when I heard a knock at the door I ran downstairs to find a bunch of kids about my age standing in the door way with molly ushering them inside there was ( insert description of everyone) but out of all of them there was only one of them that stood out to me though he looked almost exactly like me and had his arm wrapped around a hot blondes waist. I bet she was only dating him because he looked like me.

"Hey peoples!" Said the Latino elf "I'm Leo mcshizzle and this is my crew" he had his arm around a girl with Carmel hair (I forgot to add calypso so I'm putting her in now)

"Percy" said the boy who looked like me

"Annabeth" said the smoking hot blonde

"Frank" said the Chinese baby man

"Hazle" said a girl with curly hair dressed like she was from the 40s

"Jason" said a blonde with a scar on his lip

"Piper" said the Cherokee girl


"And Connor-"

"Stoll" the now dubbed Travis and Connor said together just what we need another fred and gorge

"Katie" said a girl with a flower in her hair

"Nico" said a emo looking boy

"Will" said the tall blonde who then wrapped his arm around Nico's waist causing Nico to blush

"Calypso" said the girl with Carmel hair

"Thalia" the last one said she had a death to Barbie T-shirt on

This would be one heck o a school year

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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