"You're the last of a dying breed"

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Shinso falls asleep hugging Todoroki so he lays him down on his bed and waits for Katsuki to come back to the dorm.
In Kaminaris dorm he also fell asleep with Mina and Sero,them all snuggling in Denki's bed.

"Babe I'm bac-what's mind freak doing here?"Bakugo says walking in and placing the bags of groceries on his desk.Todoroki sighs and walks over starting to put away their groceries(Just toiletries and stuff like that)

"I'm not sure,he came in crying and fell asleep.Probably another bad fight with them,I'll just sleep with you again anyways"Todoroki responds now sitting on his boyfriends bed leaning on the blondes shoulder.

"They need to work this out, I'm tired of one of them coming to us for help"Bakugo grumbles closing his eyes.

"Ya I know,but they'll probably take Kaminari's side and we're not really in contact with them so we're all they have"Bakugou grumbles some type of response and the two get ready for sleep and cuddle going to sleep.

Shinso wakes up in Todorokis bed confused for a minute until everything comes rushing back from the night before.He sighs and sits up rubbing his face.Todoroki and Bakugou were sitting there watching him just sitting up drinking coffee together.

"Uhh good morning,sorry about last night.."Shinso says once he notices the two staring.

"It's fine"Todoroki responds to break the silence developing around them.

"Umm I should probably get going back to my dor-or actually I should go talk to Mr.Aizawa"Shinso says standing up getting his bags which were next to the bed.

"Wait-did you guys break up?Why the fuck would you two do that you're perfect for eachother"Bakugo says.

"He was perfect for me.I'm just not perfect for him or anyone"And with that he just left them speechless.He walked to Aizawa's dorm which is in another building for just the teachers.Him and Mic live their during the school year,and Eri stays with them too.

Shinso walks in to see them making out on the couch."Guyssss stop"Shinso says dropping his bags near the door and taking his shoes off.They pull apart and see the tear stained face he has and the bags near the door.

"OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY?!"Mic screams running over to give him a hug but Aizawa stops him with his scarf."Hizashi!Stop it he might need space"

"Fineee but at least let me give him a hug"Aizawa sighs and lets him go as they all have a group hug.

"I-I broke up with Denki"Shinso whispers as they let go and sit on the couch. "Why would you do that?You guys were perfect"Hizashi asks.

"H-he deserves someone better than me,someone that can actually make him happy" "YOU MAKE HIM HAPPY BAKA!Omg ugh you are so perfect for him,and the love in your eyes makes you seem like soulmates.I think you messed up"

"I-I guess your're right"Shinso was on the verge of tears." OH SHIT-I broke up with Denki I-"Shinso was now full on sobbing while Hizashi came over and hugged him telling him to go get Denki back.

Shinso sprints to the dorm room no shoes on,to go apologize.As soon as he runs into the common room everyone looks up at him as he searches for Denki to see if he's there.

"Uhh Shinso, if you're looking for Kaminari you might not want to.Mina said if you showed back up she would burn your face off so I'm not sure if you're safe right now"Tsu says.Shinso ignored her and sprints up to their dorm barging right in.

"BITCH GET OUT YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE"Mina screams charging at him but Sero stops her with his tape. "LET HIM TALK HE'S OBVIOUSLY FUCKING CRYING TOO MINA!"Sero screams putting her in the closet.

Shinso runs over to Denki and pulls him into a hug."Denki, I'm so sorry.I shouldn'e have said any of those things yesterday.I realize I'm the only thing that can make you happy and the same for me.Please Denki"Denki just nods and kisses him as an acception.

A/N-So like anyone notice how this story is so messed up that like half of it doesn't even make sense?Ya ahaha im crazy thats why.Anyways one more chapter and then this is finished finally!I liked the story at first but then it got all complicated and turned into a huge mess in the end.
Btw I was actually going to have Shinso kill himself this chapter and Denki would in the next one which would be like 2 years later when he graduates so I might make a sad ending too.Btw i didnt do a spell check i dont have time lol so ya sory

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