Ch.2 A wake up call and a few mistakes

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*biiz* *biiz*
Mmm let me... sleep my life away..
*Biiz* *biiz*
Ugh why is someone calling me so f-ing late, well assuming that it's late.

I rub my eye sockets a few times and check the caller id.

"Palette ro- Oh shit!"

Im quick to answer my phone before I miss the phone call. I hesitantly put the phone to where my ear (if i had one) would be.

Geez, Palettes voice can be loud when he's drunk or screaming.
"Yeah palette?"
"Wow, who knew it takes 10 minutes to answer my calls." Palette said in a quite annoyed and angry tone.

Fuck fuck fuck, i'm definitely screwed this time. I don't want to say what he did last time when I ignored/missed his calls. But let's just say I was bruising for cruising. (Terrible joke, I know)

Ha, it took four weeks for all those bruises and cuts to heal. At least they didn't leave scars, I don't know what I can say for this time though.

"Ugh anyway I need some money, $50 -$100 in ones if possible."
"What? Didn't you go to the bar with enough money to get yourself hammered"
"Yeah, now I need more money." Pallet said calmly

At this point it was better to give him the money then refuse. I don't want to find out what will happen if I don't follow his orders.

"Ok ok I'll give you the money, but I need to know what it's for and where to drop it off?"
"One thats none of your business, two i'll have somebody pick it up don't worry;)"

There was a hint of slyness in his voice that I didn't like, but i chose to ignore it for now. I heard somebody knocking on the door so we said our goodbyes, as went up the stairs and approached the door I looked through the peephole.

There at the door was two monsters. One was a cat like monster and the other was a dear like monster. If I remember correctly, Burger pants(BP) was the cat's nickname.
Without removing the chain on the door I asked the two figures what do they want.
BP spoke up and said they were here for the money for palette. I said I'll be right back with the money and shut the door.

I had went upstairs into our bedroom to rummage around in my secret cash stash. Honestly I've been saving up money to plan to move out from that "Monster." But there were times where I had to take money out of it, or else it would've left me more bruises in the end. As I counted the money and put back the spare singles and replaced it with a few fives that I picked up, I went to one of the drawers and picked up an envelope from an envelope box, and slip the money in.

I opened back up the door without removing the chain and slipped my head through the crack with the envelope in hand. "Here you go." I said in an unreadable tone.

BP Took the money without saying thank you and said "come on" to the deer monster. Why am I not surprised the guy didn't say thank you, this is Underfell for a fact.

Before I fully shut the door I heard BP say "What a fucking weirdo." thinking I was out of ear range. I scowl as I lock the doors. I already have pallet dampening my mood almost every single day. Despite the rude remarks, sexual remarks, and insults thrown at me daily; I don't need to hear any more insults from any other monster. I'll be sure to remember what he said and make his day job a hell to be working in. Not that his job is already difficult, but I need to put him in his place, or else he'll think I'm just some week monster and I could be taken advantage of.

Palette used to defend me when his friends would make rude or sexual remarks at me. Of course he'll tell him to watch it when they made sexual remarks, but along the lines of our relationship he kinda just ... stopped . At this point I'm just tired of it and stopped caring myself.

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