playing hooky.

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Today was a pretty sunny morning in Japan. The bird's were chirping, people were out walking their dogs. Meanwhile a zombie like futarou was moping along his path to school. Already running late, and praying to make it before the first bell rings. ("Sigh"). "I'm exhausted and finals are right around the corner", he thought to himself. "I need a break!". At that moment though, he remembered the promises that he made to everyone...and himself. "But I can't give up now". "I guess I've gotta keep it up a bit longer", he internally sighed. Meanwhile while he was lost in thought. He failed to notice the familiar face that was approaching him from behind. "Good morning futarou!", The voice said wrapping her arms around him. "Hmph, what the heck do you want", he said shooing her away.

"Awwww, is that anyway to treat your big sis ichika", the girl said. "Whatever, you aren't walking with the rest of the gang today", he asked. "Uhhh no, they already left without me. "You know you really need to get it together, your almost an adult", futarou griped. "Heh, says the guy who's running late himself". "Yeah, I guess you got me there", he shrugged. "Speaking of running late, what's your reason", ichika asked curiously. He then let out a loud sigh. "I'm just tired okay". "Now we need to get a move on or we're gonna be late", he barked. "Yeah, yeah, I hear you".

As they made the trek to school together, ichika couldn't help but see how broke down her secret love interest tired. She then began to feel pretty down on herself; as she and her sisters were part of the reason he looked like this. "What could she do to make him feel better", she wondered. She wouldn't have to ponder for long though, as when they neared the school a devious idea hit her. "Hey futarou kun, you wanna have some fun with me", she asked. "What kind of fun", he replied feeling a bit caught off guard. "Oh nothing much, I just figured maybe we could hit the mall or something". "You know, just the two of us", she winked. Futarou then gave the girl an annoyed look. "Maybe I'd take you up on that if it were a weekend, but today's a school day". "And as you can see, we're both running pretty late", he explained.

"Hmmmm, yeah about that". "I was just thinking we could pull a mental health day and skip", the girl smiled. The straight-laced boy then stopped and looked at the girl. "Skip". "Yes, skip", she repeated. "There are test coming up and your asking me to just say screw school and go waste time with you". "That's about the size of it", she said with cat lips. "Absolutely not", futarou said shooting her down. "Awwww come on, would you stop being such a stick in the mud", she cried. "I'm not being anything, in fact the only thing your being is immature", futarou scolded. "Now come on, let's get to class". At this moment ichika saw her chance slipping away from her. So she knew she had to act quick.

So she ran in front of her crush and blocked the gates to their school. "What are you doing", he sighed. "Hear me out futarou, your tired right?". "Yes". "Your overworked... right". "Yes ichika". "Then just once, loosen up and let me show you a good time". He then walked up to the girl and put a hand on her shoulder. "Ichika, just move", he frowned. Instead of doing as she was told though, the mischievous quint walked past the boy. And snatched his book sack right off his back. "Wha... ichika...what the HELL!!", he yelled out. "Ya gotta catch me if you want it back", the girl said sticking her tongue out at him. "Ugh, this brat", he said reluctantly giving chase. "My stuff's in there!!", He yelled. But the girl definitely wasn't showing any signs of stopping. So he did just as she wanted and kept after her.

"When I catch you, I'll drag you to class", he yelled. "Heh, keep talking loser... your never getting your stuff back", she teased. The two then wandered further and further away from there school, all the while time was steadily ticking. Eventually, after being led far away from campus; futarou started to catch up to her. "Huff, puff, ichika". " enough", he huffed grabbing her hand. "Heh, got me", she smiled. "That's right, now give my stuff back and come on". "We can still make it if...". But before he could say anything else ichika pulled out her phone. "Hey, would you look at this... it's almost 8:30". "We are super late", she smiled. "Ugh, you we're gonna have to fill out tardy slips". "Or, and hear me out now". "You could stop being a baby and let's go hang out somewhere", she suggested.

Playing Hooky.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن