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"Angie!! Angieeeee! Listen to meeee!" Peggy Schuyler yelled into her older sister's ear while hitting her with a pillow. The said girl continued to look at her phone as she sat on the couch, ignoring her baby sister. Eliza looked up from the chair across from her sisters and watched the scene in front of her. They sat in the middle of a library, and she knew how much people hated yelled in a library. "Angelica!! Stop ignoring me!"

When Angelica continued to ignore her baby sister, Peggy huffed and lay across her lap, blocking her phone and smiled up at her. "What? What do you want?"

"I don't know." Peggy said with a giggle. "What on earth could I possibly want?" A smirk rose on her face as she spoke.

"You've been hitting me with a pillow and crawling all over me for the past 15 minutes. What's so important?" Angelica asked, getting irritated with her sister.

Peggy sighed and got up, walking towards the stairs. "Hmph... I guess free concert tickets to Revolutionary isn't a big deal, then. Sorry for wasting your time, Angelica. " She said. Eliza rolled her eyes, knowing the smirk growing on her sister's face as she walked up the library stairs.

Angelica gasped loudly and ran over to her sister, grabbing her arm and turned her around. And what would you know? Peggy's face was covered with the biggest smile in the world. "Margarita, you didn't!" Angelica said. Peggy pulled tickets out of her back pocket and waved them in front of Angelica. "AH! Peggy! How the hell did you get those??"

"I know a guy... er- a girl. I know a girl who hooked me up with these." Peggy said loudly. Both girls screamed, cheered and jumped around the library. Other people who walked past them gave them judging glares, both to Eliza and her sisters.

When people started snickering, Eliza slammed her books on the coffee table in front of her and walked to her sisters, who were singing songs from the band. "Can you two please be quiet? I'm trying to study, and people are laughing at you. I'm getting second hand embarrassment." She whisper-yelled at them.

"Calm your tits, Elizabeth. We're just excited!!" Peggy said. "And guess what? I got you a ticket as well!!"

Peggy pulled out another ticket and showed Eliza, jumping up and down as her curls hit her face. "Thank you, but I don't want to go to a stupid concert." Eliza said, walking back to her chair.

"Eliza! It's not a stupid concert!" Peggy said. She went quiet for a few seconds before smirking once again. She raised her arm to the air and waved the extra ticket around. "HEY! WHO WANTS A FREE TICKET TO THE REVOL-" She yelled as loud as possible before Angelica covered her mouth and put down her arm. People gave them judging glares, but the sisters returned the gesture.

Angelica dragged the smaller girl to Eliza and sat them down on the couch. "Have you ever listened to the music? And I mean during your own time, and not if Peggy and I were playing their music, or if one of their songs came onto the radio." She asked.

"No, of course not. I hate boybands." Eliza said, not looking up from her homework. "Besides, their fans are absolutely crazy. They'll breathe and everyone treats them like their Gods or something. And if they're seen in the same room as a girl, it's like World War 1. They send death threats to that girl. I don't want to be a part of that, at all."

"Not all fans are like that!" Peggy said. Eliza looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. "Ok, so I had a fan account on Instagram and photoshopped them next to me and we were getting married. I was 13. So what? And what if I took requests on some of the marriage photos. So what?"

"You're insane! I'm not going to the concert. Find someone else." Eliza said. She looked back down to her homework and continued it.

Angelica and Peggy sighed before looking at each other and smirking, communicating through their eyes. They stood up and both went on either side of their sister.

When The Spotlight's On You~Modern Hamliza AUWhere stories live. Discover now