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The Schuyler Sisters walked around the mall. It was Friday after school, a week since Eliza met Alex. They haven't talked since Sunday night at the diner because Eliza was so caught up in school.

The videos were released the day after it was filmed, and Eliza's school went insane. Half of the school went to the concert and were huge fans of the band, but when they found out one of their own peers were friends with them, hell broke out. They started questioning her, begging her for their numbers, some haters of the band started bullying her... she missed when she was just a normal junior girl and wasn't being treated like she was famous now.

The fans loved her. Nearly every comment on the videos was about how adorable and sassy Eliza was. There were even a few comments shipping Eliza and Alex together, but she didn't really mind.

"I love block scheduling." Eliza said, taking a sip from her lemonade. "Going to school until 12:30 every day, only having 4 classes that day, and then being able to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. It's amazing."

"I miss the normal schedule though." Peggy muttered.

"You'd rather go to school every day until 2:35 and have every class that day, instead of going to school until noon and only having 4 classes? It's way less homework, and prepares you for college." Eliza said.

Peggy groaned in response. As Angelica dragged the girls into a cellphone store, both girls started groaning. "Angie, why are we here?"

"Peggy, you know very well why we're here." Angelica responded as she looked at the phone cases. "By the way, thank you for using my phone for online shopping, only for you to press on a link and get my phone hacked."

"Look, it's not my fault that you always take my phone to- HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS!" Peggy screamed louder than at the concert.

The girls looked up and saw, of course, Alexander making his way out of the store. He smiled as he saw Eliza and walked over to them. "Hey, E."

"What's with the nickname, and why are you here?" Eliza asked.

"I don't know. It kind of just slipped out, and I kind of like it so I'm using it, Betsey." Alex said. "And uh... Hercules spilt his orange juice on my phone this morning, so I had to get a new one."

"You say it so calmly. Like, 'yeah, I had to get a new phone with the billions of dollars I have. No big deal. I get a new one every week.'" Eliza said in a mocking tone, trying to impersonate his voice. "That's awful though. Who drinks orange juice? Apple juice is so much better."

"Thank you! Someone agrees with me." Alex smiled.

Eliza laughed and smiled back. She turned back to her sisters, who's jaws were on the floor. "Uh, Alex. These are my sisters: Angelica and Peggy. They're huge fans."

Yeah, she was scared that her sisters would be too excited and say something weird or embarrass Eliza which would make Alex stop talking to her. But she figured since they were there, and they were huge fans, she would just go ahead and introduce them to him.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you two." Alexander said. He smiled and put out a hand for them to shake. Angelica slowly took it, but was shaking.

Peggy just stared at him in shock. Eliza heard her mutter "daddy" under her breath, making Eliza turn red. "Well, since I'm here, did you wanna hang out?"

"N-no, that's fine. We have to get home and-" Eliza started.

"No, Eliza. Peggy and I will go home. We have a lot of stuff to do. You can stay here, if you want." Angelica said. She, quite quickly, caught onto the energy going between Eliza and Alex. She saw how they looked at each other in the videos, and how they acted with each other. She knew that at least one of them, maybe both, liked the other one.

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