Great Beginnings-General Techno

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After years of exploration, his latest journey had finally ended. He accomplished so much (before the untimely end caused by a baby zombie). He was clearing his things from his base, and was about to head back to the kingdom. Although he loved the palace, it was very...bland. Each day was the same, no variety, always the same routine. Waking up, being made breakfast, being chauffeured to whatever destination he had to be that day, and being brought back to the palace, all with an entourage of about 50 or so people. That was why he did all of his adventures and projects. What helped bring variety was the large feathered wings on his back that he was born with. No one really knew where they came from, but he was treated like some sort of god with them, so it was always nice to venture to far off places where that sort of thing was the normal. The wings also made it easier for him to skip out on especially mundane daily tasks.

Nevertheless, he knew it was his duty to serve, protect, and grow the kingdom, no matter how boring and mundane each day was. That's why he begrudgingly left his adventuring cabin to start the journey back to the castle.

He passed through countless villages and towns and cities, bustling with people who knew his great explorations. To each and every person, he always had a smile and a chuckle, no matter the time or place. He had made such a safe space for all of his fans, they were almost like his family. One day, on his way back, he was passing through an abandoned village in a snowy tundra landscape, covered in ice spikes. Philza decided this was a good place to stop and rest for the night, so he set his belongings in a small house with the straw roof partially blown away. He was about to rest for the night, with the thoughts of what the next day of traveling would bring, until a rustling in the corner made him jump out of bed. As Phil stood up to see what the noise in the dark corner of he room was, he suddenly felt a shearing pain on his back. Whilst trying to fly away, he realized that the pain was from his wings being cut off by, what could only be the noise in the corner. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here? This village has already been raided."

Philza could make out what sounded and looked like a young teenage boy perched on the canopy above the bed Phil had prepared. He had bright pink hair, a tattered white shirt, and long, hand-sewn pants that just touched his heels. His shoes were about 2 sizes too small for his feet, and his left side housed a number of odd looking knives and daggers, all homemade. While his left hand was gripping the bedpost, his right hand was holding one of his daggers, this one fresh with blood from cutting off Phil's only means of escape. 

Phil realize the boy was only doing this out of defense, so he put his hands in front of himself, showing he was unarmed, and said "I mean no harm, I only wish to stay here for the night, then I'll be out of your brightly colored hair." He then winced because the cold, coupled with the two open wounds on his back was starting to irritate him. 

The boy slid the dagger into a small hilt on his side, then got off of the bed, walked pass Phil and out of the doorway. Phil decided to sleep off the pain and work on the wounds in the morning. He quickly cleaned the blood off and went to bed.

Phil woke up slightly shivering, as it started to snow last night. Phil got out of bed, but was stopped by an odd sight next to him. A bottle labeled "wound ointment" was sat next to a note, reading;

"Sorry for cutting your wings. And thinking you were here to ransack my village. Here is some starch-based ointment for your wound. -TB"

Phil slightly chuckled to himself, before reading the final part of the letter;

"PS, i definitely did not steal anything from your bag. Do not go looking."

This made Phil laugh even harder, and with a sigh he stretched and went outside into the frigid tundra. He didn't know he would be staying this long in such a cold landscape, so he didn't pack very heavy coats. He didn't have to look long for the young boy, as he was stood in front of him, holding a coat and one of Phil's many swords he packed on his journey. 

"I still felt bad about scaring you, even though I left that heartfelt note, and I saw you didn't bring a sufficient coat with you. I also found this sword and was practicing with it.  I should return it to you now, though-"

Before he could continue with his obviously rehearsed apology, Philza put his hand on the boy's shoulder and told him;

"Son, please, I have too many swords to count, you can have this one. The coat offer, however, I will take you up on." Phil took the coat and slipped it on, which, surprisingly, fit him quite well. 

Philza was very impressed with this young boy. Not only was he very stealthy, he was also very talented in making homemade commodities. Phil still saw he had a lot to teach him, however. That's when he had an idea.

"What did you say your name was again, son?"


"Techno, how long have you been living here alone?"

"Almost 7 years by now."

Phil then juts out his hand and asks "How would you like to join me back home? I'm sure it won't be as interesting as living... by yourself in an abandoned village, but at least it won't be as lonely. You can train with my own guard and sharpen those skills of yours."

With this comment, Technoblade just looked... offended?

"I've been self-training for almost all of my life, I don't need someone's protection when I can fend for myself just as well. I gave you remedies for your back wounds and a coat to keep you alive. This is more than enough to have you leave me alone."

Instead of leaving however, Phil just stood there, slightly smiling. All of a sudden, he winced and grabbed his back.

"Oh jeez, looks like my back hasn't properly healed correctly. I can't travel all the way on foot, too. Would you be so kind as to let me stay a day longer? To properly heal?" 

Techno knew he was only staying longer to try and convince him he should go to this kingdom, so Techno had no idea why he agreed to let Phil stay longer. But he did. And the next day, he asked again if Techno wanted to join him, and his answer stayed the same. And so Phil asked to stay another day. And another. He asked until one day, he challenged Techno to a duel. If Techno won, he would prove himself to be just fine living on his own, thank you very much. But if Phil won, Techno would accompany him to the castle. The reason he would accompany him, I'm not sure, but hose were the conditions, and Techno was raised to respect the conditions of a fight.

So the duel began. If a spectator was there, it would be nearly impossible to tell who was winning. As soon as it seemed like Techno was gaining ground, Phil started biting back with an even more ferocious bite than before and vice versa. This kept going on until Philza finally knocked the dagger out of Techno's hand and pinned the boy down with his own dagger. With contempt in his eyes, Techno finally tapped the ground, signaling his defeat. 

Philza, not seeing Techno pick up his dagger from the ground, let out a loud whoop into the air. 

"Don't worry, you're gonna love it in the palace. There's a spare room that already- HOLD ON WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Phil looked over and saw Techno slice off his long ponytail and letting it drop onto the snow covered ground. 

"In my family, long hair was a status. If you got bested in a duel, your hair got cut. You bested me in a battle, I have my hair cut. Let's go."

Phil felt slightly embarrassed with his reaction, but brushed it off. He was sure things were about to change for both him and Technoblade. 

after posting i reached out to lily (the creator of the au) and adjusted a bit to her vision for the au !!! 


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