I Will Love You

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With all of my heart I love you.❤
I honestly, truly do.
But with every angry word spoken,
I become more resentful of you.

It's like we've forgotten our history.
We've forgotten what we had before.
And now I'm ever closer, it seems,
To packing up and closing the door.

I imagined having your children,
And what a beautiful thing it would be.
Thought we'd find a house and settle down.
Make four where there once was three.

But now those dreams are distant,
Filled with a fog made up of fear.
My body is fighting through the mist,
But the doubt is all I hear.

Hostile hands and heavy hearts...
They join together here.
And in a flash, as quick as that,
I've hurt you, and you me, my dear.

There is not much left that's not been broken
In our path of hurt and despair.
Broken glass and broken souls
And disappointment reeks in the air.

Our spirits, once bright and so hopeful,
Are now lost in the seas of regret,
And when I reach out my hand to save them,
My poor heart begins to fret.

The smiles we once wore as medals,
To show the world we'd both found "the one,"
Are now tired, and fake, and phony.
They are sure that we are done.

I lie awake and search for an answer,
But my head and my heart are at war.
Long gone are the days of no tears
Say my eyes that are swollen and sore.

I believed that we'd work through it somehow.
I hoped our love was stronger than it all,
But I guess when you're up so high, my love,
There's only a lot further to fall.

I try and remember all the good times,
But they just seem so far away.
Now I'm just tired and bitter,
And I don't have the strength to stay.

I wanted so much for a miracle.
I tried so hard to change my view,
But it shouldn't take a miracle
To keep me from leaving you.

For all this time, I have loved you,❤
Even when my heart feels filled with hate.
When I raise my voice and spew vile words,
I still love you so much that it aches.

And I will continue to love you always❤,
Even when we've both moved on.
Even when we have our own families,
I will love you, even when it's wrong.

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