The Crow and Dove

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My house was glass. I liked it that way, I had nothing to hide. I laid on my couch, pondering the next show I would watch to fill a hole where human interaction used to be. I was startled by a loud bang, to my surprise a crow had flown into one, of my many, windows.

The crow was hurt so I took it to the kitchen to try to comfort the poor bird. The crow was able to dawdle around on my countertops but there was no denying it was hurt. While peacefully watching the crow a dove flew through my kitchen window. The dove was attracted to my candle, I guess it liked the heat.

The crow had wandered into my living room when I looked back. Soon enough the Dove followed. I watched both of them follow each other around, which was cute, but it quickly turned violent. Both of them were flying around my house knocking over things and hurting each other.

Then, I felt the heat on my neck. A strong heat that wasn't caused by the panic of the birds, but the candle in my kitchen. The candle had fallen over and started a fire. I was soon covered in panic and smoke. I was pulled back to reality by hearing a crash come from upstairs.

I ran into my room to find there was blood everywhere. I looked down to realize the crow was laying on my floor, dead. I fell to my knees and cried. It was a horrid scene. The heat and blood were too overwhelming. Who knew the Crow? Would anyone be upset that he died?

I continued to pack and when finished I ran downstairs. My living room was now on fire, but the panic washed away. The dove was sitting on my coffee table staring at me. There was no more rush, and I was back in control. That's when I questioned who pushed over the candle, the crow or the dove?

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