Chapter 6

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I hope you're all doing well during this pandemic.  I definitely have Covid Fatigue! I love this video of and Indian Dad and his daughter.  And she has an awesome voice! Their relationship is nothing like the father child relationships in this book that's why I liked it so much! Let me know what you think, how you're doing, and what you'd like to see in this story.  I keep changing the story line in my head for this story so curious to hear what you all think and want to see.  Stay safe and healthy.  Best, G.D.

"Oh, that's weird." I said to Keith.

"Which part that Aditya wanted to have lunch with you or that his dad showed up unannounced at our office?"


"You know you wanted him to come. Why are you're avoiding him at the coffee shop?" Keith asked.

"What? How do you know about the coffee shop?"

Keith quirked his eyebrows. "Why do you ignore the guys you like? If you keep avoiding him it makes it hard for him to ask you out. He can't ask you out if you're never around."

"I'm not going out with your boss!"

"I'll quit and then he won't be my boss. Will that work?" Keith threatened.

"Shut up." I said.

"Seriously, Kavi, don't you want to know what his dad was like? I mean, he could be your future father-in-law."


"Of course, I'll tell you. Well, Adithya is a splitting image of his dad. It's crazy. At least you know he'll age well. He'll have a full head of hair and he'll age in that sophisticated way," Keith babbled without me even asking for more information.

I rolled my eyes.

"But their personalities are nothing alike. Adithya is quiet, and when he speaks, he's kind of cynical. His dad though is warm, gregarious and flirty. I could have sworn he was checking out the receptionist, even though he's old enough to be her father."

I looked ahead and tried my best to ignore Keith.

"Adithya didn't seem happy to see his dad. It looked like they hadn't seen each other in a while. It was odd. Adithya was going to shake his dad's hand before his dad made him hug him. I mean, who shakes their dad's hand? Doesn't that seem odd to you? There's definitely family drama."

"What Indian family doesn't have drama?" I retorted.

"Speaking of family drama, how are things between your brother and dad? Are they still stiff with each other? I'm sensing a theme here. Are all Indian dad and son duos standoffish? It can't be school. Aditya went to a top law school and has an amazing career. It must be him not being married. Maybe they're mad he broke off his engagement with the attorney."

"He was going to get married?" I asked, shocked he had a broken engagement.

"You are interested. Look at you? Look how quickly you perked up. You like him."

"Keith, I'm not interested in your boss, but it's nice to know other Indian families have their share of drama."

"They can't all be like those big budget Bollywood films that come out around Diwali where everyone is beautiful, rich, with good taste in clothes and a heart of gold."

I laughed, "I have yet to meet one of those Indian families in real life. It's funny how that perfect family lives in every Indian family's head and they judge everyone by that standard even though they have so many warts in their own family. Oh, the hypocrisy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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