Chapter 1: The Hopping Vampire

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It was a normal moonlit night in Transylvania, it was silent and menacing like always. The creatures of the night prowl for blood and souls at this time but due to a certain young man those creatures go back to the hell that spawned them, hungry.

Vampire: *Panting* Did I lose him?

?: Nope.


Vampire: Gah!

?: Oh I'm sorry did that hurt? I was aiming for your balls but thankfully I missed and hit your knee instead. Oh my silly aim I surely must improve upon that later.

Vampire: Grr!

?: You're probably wondering why that wound isn't healing, huh? Well these nifty bullets were made with silver and dipped in holy water and blessed by a priest, making them able to take out hellspawned asshats like you.

Vampire: You'll pay for this! A simple human can't defeat every darkstalker he sees.

?: Watch me, Vampy.

Vampire: Who do you think you are hunting darkstalkers?

Y/N: Name's Y/N Helbrem, tell your pals in the underworld.

You pull out your revolver and shoot the vampire in the head, ending his murder spree. You say a prayer and head off into the night to find your next target.

All over the world people have heard of you, some think of you as a myth like the boogeyman and the darkstalkers know you as a phantom in the night, swiftly ending the life of one darkstalker after the other. In reality you're just a young man who became a night warrior to honor his bloodline and protect the innocent souls of the earth.

Y/N: Okay so that guy is finished off. The nights still young and I know for a fact that there are still more of them here, Transylvania is a hotspot for those monsters. But I shouldn't just stand here and talk about.

Unknown girl #1: Is that guy talking to himself?

Unknown girl #2: Yeah I think so, it's kind of adorable. What boggles my mind is that he took out that vampire like it was nothing.

Unknown girl #1: I know, this ones a real mystery.

Unknown girl #2: Hey sis, what do ya say we go and say "hi".

Unknown girl #1: Um are you sure, I mean I don't mind but uhh...

Unknown girl #2: Are you actually to shy to go and talk to a boy?! Honestly Hsien-ko, you have to grow up.

Hsien-ko: Look Mei-ling, he seems like my type, strong, heroic, kind plus he's kind of cute.

Mei-ling: It doesn't matter if he's your type we have to see what he's all about.

Hsien-ko: Alright, lets do it.

The older sister turns into a piece of paper and attaches on the front of Hsien-ko's hat. She leaps off the rooftop they were standing right in front of Y/N.

Hsien-ko: Ni hao.

Y/N: The hell?! Where did you come from?! And why are your claws so big?!

Hsien-ko: Y/N Helbrem, I've heard a lot about how efficient you are at slaying darkstalkers and I thought I could see what the fus was all about.

Y/N: Hold on I'm still on the fact at how big your claws are. Christ, you can can take a wall down just by turning left.

Hsien-ko: Wait no, these aren't my real hands there... ugh never mind, listen Y/N I've come to see if you're as great as everyone says you are.

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