Burger King

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'I am being HARASSED.' Catra groans, sprawling on her side of the register. 'I'm begging you, just kill me.'

It was another slow afternoon at Burger King, or as she likes to call it the absolute shithole she only got minimum wage for. Catra could be out there living her life as a youthful teenager, instead she was serving chicken nuggets to her worst enemy- Adora. It didn't help that said blonde was currently sitting in the corner, laughing obnoxiously with her friends she had replaced her with.

'Aw I'm sure Adora isn't here to harass you, she probably just likes our food! I do cook these to perfection you know.' Scorpia says conversationally from her spot in the kitchen as she flame broils another patty.

Catra scoffs, her eyes trained on her most hated customer.
'There has to be some sort of law against coming to one's workplace every day! No one likes Burger King that much! NOBODY!'

Suddenly she sees Adora sit up from her chair, which makes a horrific screeching noise on their unmopped floor.

'Oh god she's coming.' Catra whispers, trying to duck into the kitchen. 'Scorpia! Hide me!'
Her friend shoves her back to the counter, as Adora approaches. 'You're the only one on this shift who is allowed to use the register.'

'Do not make me serve her I swear to god-'

'Hi Catra.' Adora smiles, and Catra's eyes narrow.

'Whatchu want, princess?' She sneers, avoiding her piercing blue eyes that reminded her of still lakes. Or swirling oceans. Or the fluffy white cloud bath bombs from Lush. Wait, no.

'Mmm, can I get a strawberry sundae?' Adora chirps, looking above her at the menu.

'Can't.' Catra drawls, looking at her black painted nails. 'The machine's broken.'

Adora's face falls in disappointment, and Catra cheers inwardly at her small victory until Scorpia's voice cuts through their conversation.

'That's not true, the soft serve machine is fine.' Her traitor friend says, pulling down on the lever and swirling a perfect sundae into the cup. She adds the syrup before handing it to Adora.

'That'll be $1.50.'

'Thanks Scorpia.' Adora smiles, rummaging through her purse to collect her coins. Catra rolls her eyes.

'What a cheap ass. Little rich girl can only afford a dollar-fifty ice cream? No wonder we're running out of business.'

Adora frowns at this. 'Did you want a tip or something?'

'What? FUCK no. I don't take charity.' Catra scoffs, snatching the coins from her old childhood-friend-to-enemies palm. She swiftly jabs in the total and throws the coins into the drawer. They're forced into silence as the receipt slowly prints, and she tries to ignore the way Adora is staring at her.

Suddenly Adora leans in close, and she can hear her murmur close to her ear.

'I'll see you at student council.'

Catra flushes at the proximity, every hair standing on end. Before she can stutter out an insult, Adora rips the receipt from the machine and is sauntering back to Bow and Glimmer.

The brown haired girl deflates, her nails scratching on the old countertop. All that mental damage, for $1.50? Life was not fair.

Adora had the perfect grades, the perfect family and friends, the most cushy and royal lifestyle in her old private school.

It filled Catra with sick pleasure that the private school had lost their prestige to embezzled money, and now had to be government funded. However in consequence of this, they had decided to merge the public and private school so they could sell off the land to build skyrises or something.

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