Est fest pt.1

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There's no smut in pt.1

Today was est fest. You and your friends had come to Cleveland from y/c . Your friends knew that you had the biggest crush on MGK and always teased you about it. "So when you fall out at the sight of Kells do you want us to sit u in the car.... or?" Said y/bff1/n. Chile the only falling that I'll be doing is in love lol you responded. "You know she's going to be talking about this forever, nonstop" said y/bff2/n. You guys walked around for a while then stopped to get some food at one of the food trucks. You all wanted different things , so you agreed to me back soon. You walked to a taco truck "Real Comido de México". You grabbed an elote and two tacos and you were off to meet back with your friends. As you were taking a bite you felt another body crash into yours. And there went your elote down your face onto your clothes. "Shit! I am so sorry" you hear. "Wait a damn minute" , you think to yourself. You look up to see the 1 and only Kells. "I would say it's fine but... Now I need" , you say. " yea-yeah I got you , come with me" he says grabbing your hand. He brings you to his trailer. " There's some EST tees on the table , grab one or a few, it up to you... once again sorry.." he says guiltily . "It's fine" you smile. "Great well I'm going to try and find you some pants" he smiles. You grab a shirt and begin changing into it , when you hear foot steps. When you got the shirt over your head you two just stared at each other . "Pants?", you question. "Y-yea ... sorry , got distracted"he says handing you the pants. He hands you a pair of sweats , dickies , and basketball shorts. You grab the dickies, they were loose around the waist but cute.Pretty long , but they worked. He walked out of the room so you could change. " I'm done !", you called. He came out of the room with a bandana and smiled at you. He tied it around your head . " Perfect , now that's an EST fit girl", he smiles.
You laugh an roll your eyes. He clowns on how long the pants were. "But seriously, you are really...really pretty" he smiles. You guys talked about life , music , and all sorts of things for what felt like hours. Then you picked up your phone. " Shoot, I have to go... my friends are waiting" you tell him. Just as Slim is coming in the door "Kells they want you at the meet and greet table" he says then waves at you. " Well until we meat again" he says in a corny accent then kisses you on the cheek

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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