The Tree

169 13 15

((Mitch's POV))

"Jerome you ready?" I asked, looking to the left to see my furry friend."" he said smiling.


"Just kidding! Let's do this!"

I sighed, slightly laughing. The count down started.My palms started sweating they always did this before a game.




"WOOOO!" Jerome screamed running towards the chest in front of us.I laughed, but I was quickly cut off by a guy with a stone axe.I stopped for a few seconds and ran.

I ran until he stopped chasing me. Then, I realised I was by myself.I  worried about Jerome.He was good at hunger games, but I was usually with him.

I quickly found a chest and luckily it had a headset, thing. It would allow me to communicate with Jerome, if he had one too. I pushed some buttons, selected Jerome's name and put it on.Hopefully he had one too.


"Mitch!" I heard. It was static-y,but good enough to hear."Jerome!I'm so glad to hear you! Where are you? Are you okay?!" I asked, hearing a small chuckle.

"I'm fine,Mitch.Hey let's meet up somewhere."

"Good idea, but where?"

"Hmm... how about our tree?" he asked.'Our tree' is just a normal tree with a branch sticking out strong enough to hold us both."Okay, let's go there!"

"See ya there, biggums!" he said. I turned off my headset not wanting to waste any battery.Suddenly a song came into my head.

"Are you, are you coming to the tree?..."

I found another chest with a sword in it.

"Where they strung up a man, they say  murdered three..."

I killed a guy with chain armor.

"Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it seem..."

I ate an apple.

"If we met up at mid-night in the hanging tree..."

The tree was only a few feet ahead.I ran, hoping Jerome was already there.I ran up to it, no one was there.I turned on my headset.

"Jerome?Are you there" static.

I ran off in another direction, hopefully Jerome was on his way.Maybe his battery died because he forgot to turn it off,yeah, that sounds like something Jerome would do.

I ran until I got to the woods.And to my horror, I found Jerome.


"JEROME!!!" I yelled. I ran up to his body. Tears started to build up in my eyes.He was bloody and cut up.

"Jerome..." I choked out.Tears started pouring out of my eyes."Please..."

"Mitch-" I heard.Jerome was awake.His voice was dry and raspy."-t-take me to the tree."

I nodded,picking him up and running to the tree."Don't worry, Jerome!Well make it!"

Jerome coughed, and I ran faster.After a while, we made it to the tree.I sat him down next to me under it. The moon was out, it was probably around midnight.


"Yes Jerome..."

"I-I love you..." he coughed.I looked at him, crying. He layed down.

A cannon shot was fired, and lightning struck.He was gone.

I cried, hard.

"NO! JEROME! I LOVE YOU TOO!" I sobbed."...I love you too..." I hugged his body.I cried as hard as I could.

Then I got up. I wiped my eyes, and got my sword.

"Are you, are you, coming to the tree?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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