Day 1. Your Plan to try and escape Black Moon.

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You'd then set up in the velvet satin bed-sheets. You'd then look around for your brooch as you'd then hold it up shouting "OUTER MOON CRYSTAL POWER! MAKE UP!" yet it didn't work.

You'd look in shock as you'd say "W-Why didn't it work.."

Prince Demande then walked in as he said "Had a nice rest? Princess..Now then..Lets have a nice long talk.." He smirked.

You'd then say "W-Why'd you take me away from Crystal Tokyo.."

Demande Smirked replying "I want you..and only you..."

You'd then look as you'd sigh as saying "FINE! I'll join!"

Demande smirked replying "Perfect..."

You'd then glow turning evil 

Demande smirked as watching your transformation..

Demande smirked as watching your transformation

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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