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(F/N) POV)

After hanging my medals up and having dinner with my family, I fell asleep pretty quickly since I was exhausted from the 1000.

The last thing I remember before shutting my eyes was the quiet, "Good night" from Hitoshi.

When I woke up this morning, realizing it was Saturday and Hitoshi had the finals today, I sighed and sat up in bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor, however, my legs were shaking from being used so much at the tournament yesterday. I sat back down as quickly as I stood up and decided that I should probably wait to get up.

Then I caught a whiff of blueberry pancakes.

My legs can rest at the table, I thought as I sprinted to the kitchen. I was greeted by Akira who was making pancakes, my mom who was helping him, and my dad who was drinking coffee as he read the newspaper. I plopped down on the chair and my dad looked up from his article on how much toilet paper is used daily by a family of five. He chuckled, "Morning, Kiddo. How'd you sleep?"

I shrugged, "Good, I guess. Where are the others?"

Dad smiled, "Hina's in the other room, Hitoshi's getting his stuff from the basement, and Hikaru's still sleeping. Shocker." I laughed a little before asking, "What's Hitoshi getting?"

"Well," Dad smirked, "he does have a volleyball game today. Maybe he's getting his volleyball stuff?" I groaned at my dad's sarcasm. "I meant more specifically."

Dad redirected his attention to the paper, "His sock ripped yesterday, so he's getting one of his older ones from the bin by the laundry machine." I nodded, signaling that I understood. Then, Hina whipped around the corner, "(F/N)! Can I pick your makeup today?"

I nodded, "Sure, as long as you eat your breakfast."

Hina nodded and Akira spoke from the other side of the kitchen, "Hina, can you wake Hikaru up?" The ten-year-old waddled out of the room to wake her older brother and Akira brought a large plate of pancakes over to the table.

Hitoshi came around the corner with his socks, "I smell pancakes. And is that," He sniffed the air, "A whiff of fresh coffee? Caramel?"

Mom smiled and nodded, "Yes, that would be correct. You don't get coffee, though. You need to be playing at 100% in your game later." Mom ignored Hitoshi's 'wtf' face and grabbed a mug for me, pouring coffee and plenty of flavored cream.

I smirked as I sipped from my cup, watching Hitoshi sit down with a slightly annoyed expression.

We heard a small "oof" from around the doorway and turned to see that Hikaru, who was clearly not awake yet, had just run into the wall face first. I held back laughter as he kicked at the wall and took his seat next to me.

I smirked, "Nice wall, isn't it?"

I received a slap across the back of the head for that, which I suppose I deserved. Mom served us our pancakes and we ate up with little to no conversation. In the Ginjima household, food takes the number one priority.

As usual, Hikaru ate the most and finished first, leaving the table mumbling, "Excuse me." Mom pointed at her with her spoon, "Ginjima Hikaru, you'd better not be going back to sleep!" Hikaru jumped a little, as if to say that mom's suggestion was what he was planning on doing.

I smiled as I stood up, "Thank you for the food! Hina, ready?"

My little sister nodded and raced up to my room. For a young girl with a Disney obsession, she had good fashion taste and loved to pick out my makeup. I shut the door to my room, my desk light illuminating the room along with the stars that Hitoshi put on our ceiling. I showed her my outfit, a simple (Favorite color) shirt and black leggings, as well as Tsumu's hoodie.

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