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"It was nice seeing you again dad," I held back tears, not daring to look at my dad's face afraid that the tears may fall. "Huu, you're big already and still a crybaby?! Where did you get that from?" Dad clasp my shoulders and held back his tears.

Atsumu and Bokuto teared up watching the father-son pair. Sakusa who watched from a safe distance couldn't help but snort.

"Thanks for teaching me about indoor volley,"I respectfully bowed at my father's friends. "It's alright boi-yo, I can't wait for our kids to beat each other up during nationals," Atsumu grinned mischievously as he leaned on dad's shoulders.

"Sumu! Sumu! Is there really a brawl during Nationals during this era?!"Bokuto looked excited. "No, no one is beating up anyone," Sakusa looked at Bokuto with disdain.


"Last call out, the next train to Miyagi from Tokyo at platform XXXX, has arrived, passengers are advised to give way for the passengers exiting the vehicle. Thank you for your cooperation."

I quickly bowed and entered the train. "I'll try to be a regular and win nationals!"

"Ara, Ara, this year's nationals is goin' to be interstin' ,"Atsumu spoke in dialect and turned to see the other three stare at him with a ferocious yet excited gaze.


"We have arrived in Miyagi Station, passengers are to exit the train once the door opens. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Hello, long time no see, Obelius,"A handsome well built mixed-raced male approached with a creepy grin . "I thought we agreed to use our Japanese name, Ivano?" I looked at him bemused. "With the way you smile right now, you'd make a fine villain," I teased which made him frown.

"Heh- you didn't use my Japanese name either," Yuki scoffed. "Plus my mom told me to smile more, something about having a good impression,"He gestured me to follow him as he hailed a taxi. "I'm born with this fantastic face whats the problem with it?"

I looked at him completely baffled,'How in the world can he say that with a straight face.'

I chose to ignore his antics.

Chirp Chirp-

I let out a quite groan and sat up. "Oi Kaito- I was gonna wake you up, but it doesn't look like you need it," Yuki had a frying pan in his hand and was wearing an apron infront of his school uniform. I tilted my head curiously. "I made us breakfast and bought us some croissant from a bakery nearby," He continued to stir the noodles in the pan.

"Huu, I forgot you came here a week earlier than I did," I ruffled my hair and got up from the bed. "Since you made breakfast, I'll make us dinner," I stretched my body and got ready for school.

The moment we arrived we were quite surprised. We expected the school to look old since it was a school built even before our parents era. Those expectations jumped out the window the moment we saw how modernised the building looked.

The school area was quite big too compared to what dad told me about the school. "They probably remodelled it since the school got popular for athletes," Yuki commented and returned to his stoic expression.

"Ho. Is that so?"

We headed to the auditorium for the morning assembly and first years' welcoming celebration. "They really went all out," Yuki scrunched his face impressed. "If you're impressed try to look like it, you look awfully constipated," with my words came a painful sting on the left of my abdomen.

"What the-" before I could complete my words we were ushered by an older student to empty seats. Yuki followed the older student and looked back towards in satisfaction causing me to glare.

'Just you wait, I'll poke you soon!' I left with empty words.

I quickly took up the seat next to him and waited for the principal to start his speech. "Dear students, we are honoured to have those of you who are remarkable students. I am sure that most of you here come in hopes to join the specific sports clubs. As you've come here I'm sure you've known how our school works." The air in the auditorium become cold as he pauses.

"Therefore your positon in your team depends on your own ability and effort to bring honour to Karasuno High School . As the head of the school, we hope you achieve excellence especially those who we personally scouted to join us as we expect greater things from you. With that, May the selection commences"

"Woah, the tension is intense," I excitedly grinned as some of the students have vicious expressions and accidentally switched to English. "Let's move quickly, before others make it to the volleyball club. I haven't got to properly touch a ball in a week," Yuki grabbed me by the sleeves.

Despite having a resting bitch-face I knew he was really excited as he slipped up with his languages too. "Heh, didn't know Mr.Stoic-Prodigy-setter could get worked up," A chuckle escaped between my prused lips from trying to hold back my laugher.

"Being with you is fun," I confessed teasingly. "Aren't I a great friend? I bother you, make you annoyed also angry, you've been the most expressive around me, even your mom agrees," I gloated. "We're here," the frown on his face made it obvious that he was displeased. He knitted his eyebrows and let out a huge sigh. They were all viciously looking at us as if to analyse us.

"I give up, who cares about first impressions," He walked into the gymnasium with a scowl on his face as he dragged me more aggressively. "This is what I call personality," I grinned as he managed to gain the attention of other members.

"This should be enough to keep any problems away," I pat Yuki's back and removed the smile on my face. We can't look like pushovers. Both of us walked in with our game faces on. Showing our intension that also came here to get stronger.

We had both heard that the selection is extremely rough which is why only strong people tend to come to Karasuno wanting to challenge themselves. If the players they play regularly with are strong, can they also get stronger. This is also the reason why we both choose to join Karasuno. To play against strong players.

"Alright, hatchlings!" A guy in the club jersey shouted over the noisy room. "I am Karasuno's volleyball club captain, Sugawara Kouki, today we will be overseeing the try-outs and will divide you into balanced groups depending on your position. Everything else will be explained by Tanaka Renji our head manager." He pat the shoulder of a guy with glasses and a beauty mark.

"Due to the number players, the team are split up into groups with each having at least 7 members. The grouping is made for the sake of making practice matches much easier to organise. Other than that, Only 20 selected players each year are made to be regulars with 7 of them as official players and the remaining as subs. Evaluation is based on individual skill and group performance. All of you please head to that tables and write down what positions you want to play. Scouted first years are to head to the captain and to anyone who would like to apply as a manager, you may see me after this!" Tanaka stated authoritatively.

"I guess this is where it all begins, I hope I get teamed up with you," I grinned and nudged my elbow at Yuki. He replied with a scoff. "You're such a child, but I too would prefer to play with you."


Sorry for the late update. I had writers' block and didn't know where I wanted to head with this au. I'm picking this back up after seeing that someone actually enjoyed reading it. It motivated me a little bit to continue where I left off. Thank you Kenmasbitchagain I really appreciate your comment.

I decided to post at least once a week. (Weekends)

Picked back up 11/10/20.

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