tommyinit eat breathefast !!!11

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tommyitnit woke up one day and he said "oh yes today i shall go talk to people" so he get up and get dress and you know the stuff you do that you do? then he walks out his door and is greet with wilbabtur soot

"oh helo  o wilburr  soot" tomy said to the buff man

"hello child" big presedent man respondsz. they stare at eachother for a solid TEN SECONDS BEFORE TOME GOS INTO KITCHEN "ah yes i wuiklll look for somke breathfast" he says out loud as he stands ontop of the dining table.

"tomye why are you standing in the middle of the kitchen" tecahnoblade ascks as he eats his newspaper on the table.

"im lookinge fore breath bfast" tomyineti responds, tomeyineite then gpoes over to the fridge and opens it, he takes out several eggs.

"tomeye iniet why d you need that many eggs for breath fast"

"yummy" tommyinit grabs a frying pan


the innit dances

techno dies

"Ph my godd muyrderer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shotus phiuzlkal

"no" tomy sais

"oh ok" philsa has breathfast

tomy koocks several eggs in frying pan but then realises the um what do you call it its the thing you put frying pans on to cook them uhhhh i forgot but yes he puts it on that and then forgets to turn it on so he waits for raw eggs to cook for like 30 minutes before realising theyre not cooking

"uh oh" he say and then he turn on the thingy and he wait for eggs but before that he get spatula or like one of those flippy things dude idk i dont cook often

tommy doesnt know how to cook eggs so he flips them really early anbd then the yolk gets everuwyhere and then he just stares down at the frying pan which has like 7 eggs on it, every single one of them has leaked yolk, well. this is an omlette now, tommy says, even though he doesnt know how to cook an omlette.

he also burns the eggs, im pretty sure they almost caught on fire

"TOMMY INNIT what are you DOING" wilbur shout soot

"i egg" tomy says

"oh ok" wilbur leav

after tommy thinks the eggs are done he turn off the thingy i sitll dont know what its name is and then struggles for the next half an hour trying to get the eggs off the frying pan.

"wtf" he says

suddenly tommy gets shot but the author revives him because fuck you akiko

"wow i just almost passed out" tommy says, unknowing that there is a pool of blood under him and he just fucking dieD LMAOOOO what a NERRRRDD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

"just tasted bad eggs, not feelin good."

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