Never Ending Puns

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(Mami is Online.)

(Sayaka is Online.)

(Madoka is Online.)

Sayaka: Hey got a bit aHEAD of yourself.

Madoka: Wait wat

Mami: I guess I did get aHEAD of the game.

Madoka: what is going on

Sayaka: Mami, I think your HEAD isn't screwed on tightly.

Madoka: fuck this shit

(Madoka is Offline.)


Mami: I would wanna laugh...but it seems I have no head.

(Mami is Offline.)

Sayaka: If Mami has no head...yet she can I know...ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED. ∆


Author's Note: You all saw this coming. If you like the story/chatroom/crack stories, leave a comment with ideas and let me know if you want me to continue the book! Stay Awesome everyone.~

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