Chapter 5

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"Oh my god, Klaus...yes..."

Leo arched his back and whimpered helplessly, gripping the sheets like they were his only link to reality. They were soft, pure cotton and sleek as water against his spine as he moved sensuously atop them. His body had warmed those sheets while he writhed, but he kept throwing his hands out to different places to grip and pull, feeling the refreshing coolness in his hot palms. This was a small addition to the multitude of sensations being heaped on Leo right now, in Klaus' grand room, in the flickering light of a healthy fire.

Klaus had him stretched out on his back with his hips over a pillow, huge hands burning delicious warmth into his slender thighs as he held Leo down and worshipped his cock. After far too long teasing Leo by nuzzling into the crease of his thighs, rubbing his sideburns against his balls, and avoiding direct contact, he'd worked Leo up into a frenzy of raw desire. By the time Klaus finally touched his cock, Leo had been cursing at him, uncharacteristically demanding, and Klaus had been enjoying it. He'd even had to pin Leo's hips down as Leo bucked at him in an attempt to get him to hurry. It turned out that Leo liked being restrained far more than he'd thought, at least once Klaus finally began to kiss at his tight and sensitive flesh. Leo could enjoy teasing, so long as it was on his cock directly. Which was good, since Klaus was taking more than enough time to map out his every inch.

Lips mouthed up and down Leo from root to tip, in warm kisses that sent shocks of pleasure through his nerves. Warm fingers crept down from their grip on one leg to tease loving circles into the underside of his base. Gentle nibbles of teeth made him exhale at the sharp tingle of goodness. Slick, searching, Klaus' large tongue eased its talent upon him, making its first appearance with tiny dabs and swirls from just its tip.


Leo gasped, relaxing into a shivering stillness, wanting to revel in the new sensation.

Seconds of slow buildup passed quickly, and that tongue flattened out in one long journey from his balls all the way to his head. Several more passes ensured Leo was shaking, speechless, and damp before the kisses returned. This time they weren't so soft, they were smacking, suckling kisses that starred Klaus' tongue in every single one and pulled at his flesh. Leo's breath rose higher and higher as those kisses did, until Leo made a whining sound and his tip was slowly pulled past those lips. Never had Leo felt anything like the sensation of Klaus' hot, wet mouth, and how soft his tongue was as it curled around his tip.

"Oh, god..."

Klaus gave a rumbling hum of satisfaction that was so complete, and so deep that Leo felt it vibrating through his mouth. That tongue was criminal in its intent to break Leo into pieces, poking at his slit, rubbing in maddening circles around the cap of his cock, and wriggling against the most sensitive place just beneath. Leo lasted all of thirty seconds before he began to writhe again, having been drawn out of the appreciative stillness of before. Now he was rocking his hips gently, twisting his upper body on the mattress, curling and uncurling his toes. Klaus didn't try to hold him down now, instead lifting his hold and spreading his huge hand out over Leo's stomach. The young man reached down to place his own tiny hand over it, thin fingers curling over the large wrist. Like this, Klaus could feel Leo's stomach expand and contract with his rapid breath.

A Calculated Risk (~Leo x Klaus~)Where stories live. Discover now