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"Ace, Shaw's leaving Battersea, heading southeast. Have Tej track him on his live feed, go," Hobbs says over the phone as he starts heading down to Dom. "You know what would have happened if I didn't put that tracker in your car?"

"This one?" Dom says as he holds it up to him. They laugh as Hobbs takes the tracker from him.

"You know, this just got me one step closer to Shaw," Hobbs says. "For what it's worth, Toretto, I hope it gets you closer to what you want, too."

"Tej, Ace, talk to me, what have we got?" Hobbs asks as he and Riley stand in front of a screen.

"We were able to track Shaw after he left you and Dom," Artemis starts explaining.

"But this guy's smart, so we could only track him so far. He seems to know all the city's blind spots," Tej takes over. "See, we lost him somewhere in here, which means he could be anywhere, within that half a mile radius. Maybe if we cross reference phone records, leases..."

"No, this has got Shaw's name written all over it," Riley says causing Artemis to look at her suspiciously. "We've got vantage points, multiple exits, subways, highways and storm drains."

"Bad ass and brains," Hobbs says causing Artemis to frown as she feels a small flare of jealousy. "Woman, you keep that up, I'm going to be out of a job. All right, lets go nail that son of a bitch."

Hobbs, Artemis, and Riley bust into Owen's hideout with guns at the ready, only to find it empty.

"They're long gone," Riley says as she holsters her gun. "There's nothing here." Artemis then starts looking around as she holsters her gun.

"There's never nothing," Hobbs says as Artemis squats done, shining her flashlight at the ground to find some paint.

"There's always something," Artemis says in agreement.

"That's my girl," Hobbs says causing Artemis to look away from him as she blushes. "Always motivated."

The contact 'Samoan Thor' pops up on Tej's phone before he answers it.

"Yo, it's Hobbs," Tej says getting everyone's attention.

"What have you got, Parker? Give me something good," Hobbs asks him.

"Yeah, That paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized. Anti-thermal, low-IR coating," Tej explains to him.

"Military," Artemis states as she and Hobbs share a look.

"Exactly," Tej says in agreement. "We got a list of bases around Europe that uses this paint type and those specific colors."

"All right lets cross reference that with all of Shaw's military targets," Hobbs orders. "I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match."

"Bingo," Tej says after typing on the computer. "It's a NATO base in Spain."

"That puts Shaw in a different country," Dom says as he looks at the team. "That means he's got an eight hour lead on us."

"We gotta move now. Tej, give me that info. Riley, Artemis, and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base. We're going to protect that component personally," Hobbs explains as the team gathers around the phone. "Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars. You brush up on your Spanish, boys and girl. I'll see you en España."

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