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"I'm going to check in with Elena," Artemis tells Hobbs as they land. "I have a bad feeling that they maybe in trouble."

"Do what you need to do," Hobbs says with a nod.

"Thank you," Artemis says giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting in her car.

Artemis arrives at Mia's house before Elena answers the door.

"Is everything okay?" Elena asks her.

"Yeah, I guess so," Artemis says with a sigh. "I just had a bad feeling, I guess it's nothing."

"Ace," Mia says with a smile as she sees her. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, the team is fine. They are on their way to Spain, so I thought I would check on you two," Artemis explains to her.

"We're about to take Jack out to get some fresh air, do you want to join?" Mia asks her.

"Sure," Artemis agrees since the bad feeling is still there. Mia, Artemis, and Elena are walking outside as Mia holds Jack. As they walk around front they see a black rover driving up the driveway.

"Go!" Artemis orders Mia as she and Elena grab their guns. Artemis shakes her head having known she was right about the bad feeling. Mia starts running to the back of the house with Elena and Artemis behind her. Elena jumps down from the wall before Mia passes Jack down to her. Artemis then hears Vegh and Klaus coming. "Come on."

"Go," Artemis tells Elena and Mia.

"No!" Elena tries before Artemis takes off running back towards the house. Vegh chases Artemis through the house before Artemis runs into Klaus, who grabs her, causing her to drop her gun. Vegh points a gun at Mia, who had followed Artemis inside.

"I can't believe they stole a 70 ton tank for a three ounce computer chip," The Commander says as he, Hobbs, and Riley look at the chip.

"That three ounce computer chip is more deadly than 1,000 of those tanks," Hobbs tells him.

"What about her?" The Commander asks as he sees Letty sitting on the stairs.

"Not her," Dom states as he and Brian start walking over.

"She was working with Shaw," The Commander argues with him.

"Was, but she's always been one of us," Dom tells him.

"Let's give them a minute," Hobbs says to The Commander, who quickly walks away before Hobbs and Riley walk away. "Let's go process Shaw and his crew. I've never looked more forward to filling out paperwork in my life." To say Hobbs is worried about Artemis is an understatement because he hasn't heard from her since they landed in Spain. They walk into Owen's cell as he looks up at them with a smirk.

"Hey, Toretto!" Hobbs yells as he escorts Owen and his crew into the room. "You need to hear this." Dom stands in front of Hobbs and Owen before the team stands behind him.

"You guys really think you've won," Owen says as he looks around at the team. "The code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game." Owen then stares at Dom. "I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto. But you didn't listen. I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want. And I have. Maybe you should call Mia and Artemis." Brian glances at Dom worriedly before grabbing his cellphone. Hobbs keeps his face neutral as he pulls out his cellphone.

"Mia?" Brian asks once the phone is answered while Hobbs asks "Ace?"

"Brian!" Mia yells as a phone is raised towards her.

"Luke!" Artemis yells as another phone is raised towards her. The yells of both girls being heard through both phones. Brian quickly runs forward before punching Owen in the face. The Commander quickly grabs Owen as Rome pulls Brian back with Tej's help. Owen spits out blood before he chuckles.

"So, this is how it's gonna go down," Owen says as he looks from Hobbs to Dom. "You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, I'm gonna walk out of here and you're not gonna follow."

"You must be joking," The Commander states as he glares at Owen.

"Look at his face," Owen says as he steps in front of Dom. "Ask him if I'm joking. Or him." Owen glances at Hobbs.

"Two hostages do not outweigh the threat to millions," The Commander argues as he walks over to them. "I'm sorry, but this changes nothing." Hobbs quickly pulls out his gun before pointing it at The Commander's head. The soldiers quickly raise their guns as Dom motions for the team not to pull theirs.

"It changes everything," Hobbs tells the Commander with a glare. He is not going to let anything happen to Artemis. "You tell your men to stand down."

"Stand down," The Commander orders.

"Dom," Hobbs says before looking at him. "I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip, words like 'amnesty' and 'pardon' walk out with him."

"Those words went out the day we were born," Dom tells him as he turns to glare at Owen. Hobbs motions for Riley to uncuff Shaw's team. Owen starts walking away before he turns back to them.

"Coming, babe?" Owen asks causing a few people to look at Letty.

"Of course," Riley says with a smile causing Hobbs to glare at her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Like I said," Owen says as Riley grabs his hand. "You were never in the game. If I see you on the horizon, I'll make the call and the girls are dead." Owen and his team walk out as Hobbs glares after them.

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