The Kid that I used to Know by Arrested Youth

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  I always hated being the pity kid. Everyone always gave me sympathy because I had it worse off than others.  I was done with being the "make a wish" child that the world made me out to be when I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 6.

  I ignored the voices like I ignored the pity for most of my life. But now that I'm almost 17 and I'm still treated like I'm some sick sad tragedy, I'm done.

Finally I did something about it, though it wasn't pleasant..

  I faked my own suicide. I wanted a new life away from the pity and bullying. I planned for a few weeks, acting more closed off and sad until the day finally came.

  I stood on the roof of my school, leaning against the railing as I looked down at the thick bushes below me.

  My plan was to fall into the bushes to break my fall then run as fast as possible once I landed. I heard the school bell ring, signalling that class was let out for lunch.

   No one would be let out of the schoolgrounds so I'm safe on knowing no one would see me run. I heard the doors swing open behind me, students filing out onto the rooftop to relax and eat.

  I heard three familar voices, my bullies, call out to me as they walked up behind me.

  "Is the freak gonna jump?" "Aww, you think that jumping will solve your problems?" "I hope you break your neck when you hit the ground, creep."

  Their words stung more than they should've. But I just turned around and smiled at them. A crowd had started to form around us from the commotion they stirred.

  "If that's what you want." I said as I closed my eyes and leaned back over the railing.

  The last thing I saw as I flipped over the edge was my bullies' eye's widening as I fell off the rooftop.

  "So long, to the kid that I used to know." I stated, knowing that as I fell, my bullies heard me speak but not anyone else.

  I landed on my side, injuring my arm but not too badly. I quickly stood up and ran, as fast as possible towards the back gate that lead to the abandoned factory nearby.

  Running through the back alleys, I could hear sirens rushing towards my school, no, my old school. I wasn't going there anymore.

  I made it to the abandoned factory, rushing to the gate and quickly climbing it to get in. I made it to the back area which had been overgrown by now.

  I had food and clothes stashed away in a small area I found. It was an old storage container that had been left open. Because of the fencing and gate, no one was really able to get in for a while.

  Graffiti still covered the walls, from taggers who eventually climbed the fence. I plopped down in my makeshift bed, sighing as I relaxed.

  Adrenaline was running through my veins, causing my eyes to stay open as I laid there. I took a few deep breaths, letting myself calm down.

  "Well, time to get to work." I sat up, grabbing a first aid kit from the corner and starting to bandages my injuries.

  I was scraped up from the bushes, and my shoulder was really sore. But I'd heal in about a month or so.

  A few months was all I needed to get on my feet and start anew. I changed my name and my appearance. My straight blonde hair was now black and wavy. My deep green eyes were now a hazy blue-grey with the help of contacts.

  And to make even more of a change, I had developed freckles from working in the sun for months.

I looked entirely different from before I faked my death. I had even grown taller during my months away. I was excited to start my new life at school.

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